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Member Since 11 Nov 2006
Offline Dec 13 2008 03:38 AM

Topics I've Started

Neopets Tracking?

16 August 2007 - 03:31 PM

Do you think it's possible that Neopets tracks some of the cheating threads and/or sites you go to using Google Analytics (urchin.js)?

Recently while doing testing for a number of different projects I have had to come in direct contact with my cookies time after time when I noticed that information about some sites were being tracked in my cookies. Does anyone know the extent of this tracking method and whether it's being used as a tracking method at all?

I have a neopoint generator (the real story)

16 August 2007 - 11:05 AM

Someone informed me of this thread very recently entitled "I have a neopoint generator" and I decided I would clear it up as much as I can. You're throwing around all these names and even questioning my ability. The fact of the matter is that I haven't played neopets very long at all AND I have spoken to the user Sockopen before because I was interested in his thread showing a Perl Neopets Fake Score sender. I tried talking to him about fixing it because I couldn't get it to compile and I had (and still do) very little knowledge of Perl (Although the similarities with PHP gave me an advantage). After I found he was virtually useless when it comes to helping because he couldn't "confirm my identity" (I HAVE NOT BEEN IN THE CHEATING COMMUNITY VERY LONG AT ALL) and/or he was too busy to do a damn thing I decided to spend the 3 days it takes to run through and fully understand neopets encryption. SIMPLE AS THAT (Go ahead and ask me questions about it as much as you want but the fact of the matter is that I will be able to answer every single one and then what have we accomplished??? Christ sake!). I didn't even reference his damn code. The only thing Sockopen contributed in relation to my code was saying that it's all "in front of you in Plaintext". That statement kept me going. It's not all that HARD. I was about to release it open source and even released the decryption method to inspire other people when I decided that I liked the cheating community and wanted to become a bigger part of it. That was when I decided that I could take this as an opportunity to start a team of some sort because I know I am a good coder and it would be great to release all kinds of weird tools as a stress reliever. I then posted a thread on GamingGutter that surrounded what I was doing with some mystique. I got a pretty good response and decided to start a team.

Someone pointed out something very good as far as fishy goes. If I had the knowledge to go through Neopets actionscript and make a method to decrypt AND encrypt it, why would I need someone else to do the work? Well it just so happens that the first person I wanted to join my team is DAMN dedicated. So dedicated in fact, that he took it upon himself to begin coding an automated version of it. Could I have done this by myself? ...err yeah. But what the hell is a team for then? In the meantime, I was (and still am) snowed in with summer assignments from school that I have 4 barkING days more to do when I need 2 weeks! and I'm sitting up here trying to straighten out some insanely paranoid people for a team member who is so dedicated that it's causing problems. Everyone here is so eager to play devils advocate that it makes me wonder why I wanted to become a part of the cheating community in the first place...