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Member Since 17 Nov 2006
Offline May 11 2008 09:34 AM

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Igloo ABer!

26 February 2007 - 06:59 AM

This Igloo Garage Sale aber could have a list of items to buy which can always be changed (by the user of the aber) and can have a refresh rate and thats all.

I'd do it myself but I'm no programmer but it doesn't seem too difficult...its probably just as hard as making a user aber.

Plus a main shop aber could help where you type in the shop number and list of items and it auto haggles for you!
The shop numbers are the number found at the end of urls of shop for example this is a link for the food shop...http://neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=1

Food shop number would be one!! There are about 100 numbers with a few skipped numbers!

Id be more than happy to make a list for some of the shops! Cause I think that is the only way i could probably help.lol