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Member Since 04 Mar 2007
Offline Sep 04 2008 10:34 PM

Topics I've Started

Peach fuzz

19 January 2008 - 05:52 AM

Okay, I might have a problem.

Behind my left shoulder, there's a hair. Now, it looks, and feels, exactly like peach fuzz... But the problem is, it's around 1 meter long.

I remember finding a hair like it before, and pulling it out 4 years ago, when it was around half the length it is now.

I thought nothing of it, until I saw it again, today... And I'm wondering, What the fuck? I thought I pulled it out? Oh crap I might have cancer.

So, what do you guys think?

Help me beat a friend =D

17 December 2007 - 03:52 AM

Well, I just bet a friend that i could get more visits to a site in a certain amount of time that he could. If i win, he's my slave for a week, and vice versa. (It's just one of those games where for each click, you get one more population) Thanks in advance for anyone that clicks.


Just for kicks, here's boxman!

Pretend to be a time traveller day!

08 December 2007 - 07:52 PM

Basically, you pretend to be a time traveller and you act as one for the day. For example, you shave your head and have a barcode tattoed on you, for a dystopian look, and go around asking people the year, and shouting THERES STILL TIME!

Original forums where the idea sprung from:

Also, the facebook event page:

...And i'm back

09 August 2007 - 01:19 AM

What a month it has been. Sorry for my sudden dissappearence from neocodex for a while, but a sudden chain of events happened to me, rendering me unable to find the time to access this site. Alas.

Anyway, here's a bunch of stuff that happened, over the past month.
  • Had a friend who had a broken beer bottle thrown at his eye
  • Had another friend who got cancer
  • Caught parents having sex, doggy-style, on the living room table
  • Had a relative and their children staying over,
  • Watched several movies
  • Gained a reverance for silly putty
  • Got a cold
  • And i also donated some blood.
So, what's been going on while i've been away? Do tell.

Do you brush your teeth before, or after breakfast?

30 June 2007 - 03:07 AM

I was asking my colleagues this question the other day, and it was pretty divided, with half saying before, and the other saying after.

I personally brush before, because I don't like the fact that the bacteria that have accumulated in my mouth over the night will be going down with my breakfast.

When do you brush, and why?