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Member Since 29 Mar 2007
Offline Jul 30 2008 10:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Is god there?

27 February 2008 - 12:03 AM

Does he really exsist? Do you believe in him? Post all your comments here

I don't believe in "god" because I have called on him many times before and nothing... he didn't save my uncle when he was dieing and he also killed my grandfather. I see no reason to believe if he won't return the favor

Ahhh I'm so screwed!

24 February 2008 - 09:59 PM

I need to write a spanish speaking block and memorize it by tonight it must include 20 reflexive verbs and be about my daily life!!! And I haven't even started!!!!! AHHHHHHH I'm screwed... I need someone to yell at me or someone who knows spainsh and would be willing to help

Would you jump in?

24 February 2008 - 03:16 PM

If you saw a group of kids, be it boys or girls, picking on one lone kid, be it physical or verbal and be it a boy or girl, would you jump in? Would you yell at them? What if the kid had a mental or physical problem? Would you jump in, or would you just sare a passing glance? If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

The Fur companies

24 February 2008 - 03:10 PM

A video circulation around the web has recently caught my attention and with permission from all mods not just one I would like to post it. It features many sceens of people harming animals, be it skinning, boiling, smashing, or slicing them open. The reason for wanting to post that video is becuase people need to be aware of what is happening to our beloved animal companions. They are being tortured and skinned alive for the fur companies or for various other reasons.

This video is designed for awareness nothing more nothing less. This video was given an 18 and older limit on Youtube. You may choose to watch it or not. Neocodex.us and I, oxlilshorti or Derrik, are not responsible for you veiwing this video. This video contains graphic images including but not limited to, hitting animals, boiling animals, and cutting up animals. Those with a faint or weak stomach are advised not to watch. But please if you choose to watch this video please watch the whole thing, do not stop it midway through the truth needs to be seen.

So I ask you this, do you think it's ok for fur companies to continue what they do as long as it keeps you warm? Can you wear a coat or a sweater knowing that that specific animal came to a horrible and painful end? Can you look at your fur clothing the same? Becuase let me tell you... I can't.

Gay marrige?

24 February 2008 - 12:14 PM

Please post what you think on gay marrige should it be allowed or not?

Personally I think yes because it's segregation otherwise. Saying gays can't marry is saying blacks can't use this bathroom or islams can't get on a plain. What kind of free nation is this if people don't have the same rights as everyone else?