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Val is on life support :(

Posted by Mishelle, 12 April 2014 · 969 views

Last night I was partying with Ray, and I'm sure for those of you who have read about my encounters with Ray you're wondering what the fuck is wrong with me and I'm wondering the same thing myself actually.

Last month when Willie found out that his grandmother was sick in the hospital he basically went on a bender with weed, alcohol and pills. He ended up getting into a fight with Aurora at 8am because she wouldn't bring him weed. He went off the deep end and called her all kinds of names and called her a cunt. We talked him into going to rehab and he went for a week. After he got out he apologized and he's stopped doing the pills. He told me he wanted to hang out last night and he wanted me to bring Aurora so he could apologize in person for all the things he said and we could hang out again. But Josh was there being a little bitch because when he gave Nicole the "Leave your boyfriend or we're done" ultimatum she still didn't leave her boyfriend, Josh hasn't done shit about it and he's still following her around like a lost puppy waiting for her to leave her boyfriend and be with him. (Not going to happen)

So Willie didn't want to be at the house with Josh acting like a bitch so we decided to go downstairs and drink at Rays place because he had a full bar. It was me, Willie, Aurora, Brandon, Ray, Val and Vals friend Bueller. So the whole night Ray is being his usually disgusting self. He keeps trying to hug me. He randomly brings out fuzzy handcuffs and drops them on the bar in front of me and we're all just looking at him like.

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So I try to change the subject and talk to Willie and Brandon about the Freya situation. Apparently Freya and Brandon's ex Laura got into a fight because Freya slept with Laura's brother the first night they met and then got upset when he never called her or asked her to be his girlfriend. Laura told us that Freya had slept with her brother and Freya got really pissed about it and said their friendship was over because of that and we had to stop being friends with Laura because she did. When we didn't stop being friends with Laura, Freya took offense to it and deleted us all off Facebook, said we were too much drama for her to be friends with and will occasionally come to the cafeteria to remind us that she's not our friend anymore. Can you believe this chick is 30 years old? I can't. So while we're talking Val jumps in and starts talking horribly about Freya saying that she sucked his dick (not true) that he paid her for sex and she's a prostitute and all Asian women are prostitutes. Even though I don't like Freya I'm not going to sit there while he talks about her like that so me and Willie kept trying to tell him to shut up. He wouldn't stop, I told him "Val we don't want to hear what you're saying. It's not funny, it's offensive." And he goes on this drunken rambling talking about how if I don't like what he has to say I can leave. So I'm like you aint said nothing but a word and I got my shit and left. I went back upstairs.

I wanted to stay upstairs but Willie wanted to go back downstairs because Brandon, Nicole, and Josh were there so he convinced me to go with them back and to just ignore Val. I was completely ignoring him as if he wasn't even there. Ray tries to cover for Val and tells me the story of how he almost killed his daughter's dog Ms. Wiggles because she's constantly peeing and pooping on the floor. He said he covered the dog's mouth with his hand and was suffocating her and Val pulled him off her. Ms Wiggles is the smaller than my cat. I'm just staring at Ray absolutely horrified and high key ready to leave out of that house again but everyone was downstairs so I just migrated back over to where Josh, Nicole, Willie and Val were sitting. Then Val comes up and he randomly tried to put his arm around me. I pulled his arm from around me and said don't fucking touch me unless you apologize for what you said. And he apologized like a million times and said he's drunk and doesn't know how to stop talking when he's drunk. He didn't mean to disrespect me, he'll never do it again blah blah. I told him I accept his apology and if he does it again I will stab him and Josh will have to patch him up. Josh said he's not going to patch him up because Val needs to learn not to push women to that point.

So we're chilling and we're all fine until yet another fight between Josh and Nicole breaks out because Nicole wants to drink even though she's already white girl wasted and Josh wants her to stop drinking. She goes all "you're not the boss of me you can't tell me what to do!!!" on him and they go back upstairs to fight some more. Willie follows them and Brandon follows Willie because the always feel like they have to protect Nicole from Josh even though she's constantly going back!

Anyway back to the story. It's me, Aurora, Ray, Val and Bueller. Ray randomly pulls me aside and tells me:

Ray: I've been drinking way too much. I'm getting to the point in my drinking where I'm going to tell everyone to leave or I'm going to kill everyone here.
Me: Um ok, do you have any guns?
Ray: Yeah I have guns.
Me: Where are they?
Ray: I'm not telling anyone where my guns are. I'm just telling you this because I know you're a down ass bitch and you understand me. When I tell everyone to get out you just make sure everyone gets out.
Me: Okay well I will do that.

So yeah. I'm sufficiently freaked out at this man who either wants to have sex with me or murder me in cold blood.

I waited for Willie and Brandon to get back and we were hanging out for a bit and Ray says "Everyone has to get out." I told everyone to get out. I don't fuck with crazy white men, they're dangerous.

So me, Willie, Aurora and Brandon walked to the park and Willie is crying over the fact that while Josh was arguing with Nicole Josh said that he didn't want to live with Willie anymore. After he gets done crying we walk back to Willies house and Ray and Val are in there chatting like everything is ok. I still didn't want to go back because Ray scares me and I was still salty about the sexist stuff Val said so we just went upstairs and hung out at Willies house. Me and Brandon were trying to talk to Willie and Aurora got mad that no one was paying attention to her and sat on the stairs outside by herself.

I just let her sit there because she knows I don't entertain that childish nonsense. Brandon and I talked to Willie and I tried to explain to him that he's better off moving out and not dealing with Josh anymore because he's very emotional. He has anger issues, he's co-dependent and as long as Nicole keeps coming around this fighting is going to continue and Willie is going to keep getting stuck in the middle. After we got done talking I went outside and asked Aurora if she wanted to go home. She said she did so we got her stuff and we left.

I woke up with a text message from Willie saying last night Ray attacked Val and Willie had to call the police. Ray was arrested and Val was taken out on a stretcher. Brian went to go see Val in the hospital but they wouldn't let him see him because Val has brain damage, he's in critical condition and he's on life support. I just feel so bad I feel like it's my fault for letting Val stay in there. I should've made him go back to Willies house. Val has two kids who's mom walked out on him. Val's mom is taking care of his kids and Val is supporting them all. If he dies she'll have to raise them alone. I just really hope Val pulls through and is ok. :(

I'm terribly sorry to hear that happened to Val. It's not your fault it happened, we always think when bad things happen that we could have prevented them, but we simply can't. I hope Val pulls out of this and I hope you don't blame yourself.


I'll keep you, Val, and Val's family in my thoughts and prayers. 

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I'm glad that you're a smart, respectable woman who didn't sleep with Ray.


I'm really sorry about Val. Just try to remember that you can't *make* anyone do anything. 


Feel free to pm or fb me if you wanna talk about anything. 

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