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Happy 90th birthday George!

Posted by Mishelle, 29 November 2014 · 622 views

I'm going to start this off by saying that I am a proud grinch. I hate the holidays and I hate this season where we all are forced to come together as a family. Every year we all come together to catch up with each other and I'm reminded that I have people in my family that I'd really rather not associate with. The main one being my mothers boyfriend. I've come to the conclusion that we are just fundamentally different people and there's honestly no reason why we should even talk.

I don't know if I've talked extensively about him in past blogs but he's consistently on some fuckshit so I'm sure I've ranted about him once or twice before. He's an insufferable misogynist. He constanty complains to me about my mom. He tells me that she's a shitty wife and a shitty mother. But they're not even married! They're both still married to other people and they don't have any kids together. They just have kids from their previous marriages. And it's not like he really does anything to help her. They split the bills down the middle but he still expects her to do all of the cooking and the cleaning because she's a woman. Like when my mom cooks she brings him his food which I think is a really nice thing to do. However I've never seen him bring her food. I've seen it where she'll ask him to make her food and he won't do it. He'll just get food for himself and then sit down and eat it in front of her. And if she doesn't cook he won't eat. He literally won't eat I'm not making this shit up this dude is a total jackass.

He tells me that he has this friend who can buy them whatever they want and he has all this money. I don't believe one sliver of that bs. My mom tells me that he's always asking her for money and taking her money. Finally I just got sick of the bullshit and backed out of the situation. They complain about each other every year but then they don't change anything. They're getting another apartment together. When I was in LA they were looking at apartments together and talking about leases so obviously things aren't that bad. And I'm not getting paid to be Dr. Phil.

I went back to LA over the weekend because we threw my greatgrandpa a 90th birthday party. We got the entire family together and we had dinner. Then we went to Hollywood and we went to the beach. My little cousin came all the way from vegas and she'd never seen the beach so we had to take her to Santa Monica to see the beach for the first time. I was really happy to be having fun and getting close with my family but my mom's boyfriend made it his mission to bug me every day. He's like an emotional vampire. He always wants to talk to me about how my mom stresses him out, how my brother is doing terrible in school because he has autism and he can't focus in a class filled with 60 kids.

When I was in high school we had 40 kids tops in a class and that was too many. The fact that they expect him to function in a class with 60 kids is insane. That's like the size of a college classroom and he has autism and adhd, that's not going to happen. So they're moving my brother into another class where the class sizes are smaller and he can get more attention. My mom's boyfriend is trying to make that out like that's my mom's fault because she's a shitty mom. It's not her fault it's the fact that my brother has fucking autism and doesn't like being around other people. And then he tried to spread a rumor to me about my aunt. He told me that my aunt had cancer. My aunt doesn't have cancer. She finally got health insurance through Obamacare so she went to the doctor and found out she had HPV, which can cause cancer but she didn't have cancer. He tried to tell me that my aunt got it from sleeping unprotected with a bunch of different men. I live with her, I know this isn't true. She doesn't sleep with a bunch of different men she goes to work and she's at home. She frequently corresponds through the mail with her prisonbae, that's about it.

At this point it hit me that my mom's boyfriend is a full time shit stirrer and I don't particularly care to be around shit stirrers. So I make the point to avoid him for the rest of my time in LA. When I get back to San Diego he proceeded to call me nonstop. He'd call me and when I didnt pick up he'll call me again, then text me, then facebook me. He texted me twice on thanksgiving asking me to send him a picture. I thought that was really weird so I just ignored it, I was too busy stuffing my face to be bothered...

One plus side of the holiday season is that everyone cooks amazing food. I spent thanksgiving with my cousin Draya and our friend from college Kayla. I brought oven roasted asparagus and weed brownies. All of the food was amazing and we drank a bunch of liquor and got fucked up. It was the best thankgiving ever. So the last thing I wanted to do was interact with a shit stirrer who was most likely going to stir up some shit and ruin my day.

Before I came back home he would do this thing where he would constantly call me and just ask me what I'm doing. I would tell him I'm not doing anything because I'm a boring person. More often than not I'm doing homework, playing neopets or taking flawless selfies. He doesn't want to hear about that and I don't wanna talk about it. He kept calling me tho. He would call me like every other day it got so excessive and annoying. It got to the point where I stopped picking up. Once I got back to San Diego the calling started up again and I honestly don't have the time for that. I have finals, I have papers that are due. I'm also busy planning a new years eve party. Planning this fucking party has been stressing me out a lot lately because my friends are stoners and they like to do things at a stoner's pace. Either way the point is I don't want to have unneccesary conversations and I don't know why he won't take the hint that I don't like him.

I feel like it's time I start practicing what I preach. When my friends complain to me about their shitty relationships I usually tell them to stop dealing with shitty behavior. Don't deal with a girlfriend who cheats on you, a boyfriend you don't trust, or a bitch who kills your vibe. I've adopted this philosophy into my own life and this has helped me. It's made me a more easygoing person. I'm more focused and I've been on a nice level lately. But I know this is all going to go to shit when Christmas comes around and once again I am forced to be in the presence of people I'd rather not be around. But I guess that is the true meaning of the holidays.

But once that's all over I just want to be left the fuck alone while I get my life together and invest in my future. Since I've turned 24 I've decided I need to start acting more like an adult, as much as I really don't want to. I'm going to be graduating college and entering the wonderful world of business soon. I'm not even sure if I still want to do what I originally went to college to do. Honestly I don't care all that much, I just wanna get paid.

May 2024

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