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I will not replay 2012 in my head anymore it will only depress me.

Posted by Mishelle, 21 December 2012 · 772 views

So I was up late drinking a bottle of wine and waiting on the end of the world (typical Friday) while watching New Years Eve on HBO. After it was over it got me thinking about this year, how it went, and all the people I encountered. I know this blog tagline jokingly refers to my Bad Life's Decisions but god damn it I really made some bad decisions this year.

It all started with me breaking up with my ex Alex. (Good decision) He was basically going behind my back and saying he was single on OkCupid because he's an asshole and a dumbass. I also found out he cheated on me with a girl who everyone (white people) says looks like me. Which is really disturbing. So my ex-bestfriend Sheilah decides to help me get over it by taking me to a bar. Her friend Joshua just got out of the marine corps and was moving to Arizona so he celebrated by buying all our drinks the entire night.

We meet this group of fellow CSU students and they find out I just turned 21 so they're buying me drinks too. Sheilah gets absolutely wasted and disappears. I found out later that she left with some guy she met at the bar. Everything was fine until this girl buys me this drink it's called the Four Horsemen. It's Jack Daniels, Jose Cuervo, Johnny Walker Red (I think) and I always forget who the 4th one is, but anyway, that's all it is, these 4 shots put in one mega shot. I take the shot the next thing I remember is passing out in the bathroom at the bar. I sat in the corner on the floor and fell asleep. I'm woken up by the sound of drunk girls who have to pee and the bartender saying I have to leave or he's gonna call the cops. I manage to get up and come out and Joshua picks me up and carries me to the car (such a nice guy) and tries to take me home. I slightly remember the conversation of him trying to get me home. What I remember went like this.

Him: Where do you live?
Me: By Sheilah
Him: I know, but where do you live.
Me: Where's sheilah? I live with sheilah.
Him: What apartment
Me: where is sheilah?! we've gotta find her! *blacksoutagain*

He knows I live in the same apartment complex as Sheilah but I'm too drunk and incoherent to tell him the apartment number so he parks in a space (ironically, across the parking lot from my apartment door) and we basically sleep it off in the car. I wake up around 5am and I'm able to piece my brain back together and figure out where the fuck I am (I can't believe he slept in the car with me and waited for me to wake up, thats so sweet) and Joshua walks me to my door. Had the hangover of my fucking life the next day.

Lessons learned: Don't drink angry. Don't let other people buy all your drinks.

My other bad decision was with a guy named Brandon. I'll never forget that guy. He randomly decided to move down here from NorCal. He said he moved down here because he got a job at Napa Auto Parts and he was saving money to move to Arizona and become a fireman. He was definitely hot enough to be one, he said in high school he was a lacrosse player. He was really cocky and full of himself. He was also very seductive. Also we were the same age and his birthday was the day after mine. I thought that was funny. We ended up going out to dinner, getting drinks, the usual. I was still not even over my ex so sheilah told me "The only way to get over one guy is to get under another," so I decide ok this guy is hot and he's nice and his birthday is the day after mine and I'm gonna get under him and get over my ex.

I decided to give him a four hoursmen, and he ended up way more drunk than I was. We went back to his place and he puts on Jack and Jill. Yes, the shitty Adam Sandler movie. I was so not interested in watching that so I started kissing him and I told him to get a condom. This fool takes like 20 minutes to find a damn condom. You'd think by then he'd have sobered up enough, but he was still wasted, so I guess I date raped him? The sex wasn't that great because he was so drunk. He took forever to get off, and he had a thick italian sausage that I was sooo not used to, and he had this tattoo on his [beautiful] stomach that wasn't even finished. Apparently, he tried to tattoo his own stomach that "Mayhem" tattoo Tommy Lee has, but he fucked up the letter M 3/4 of the way through and stopped. (should've been a red flag, but I was tipsy and he was sexy) He tried to get me to spend the night with him after it was over but I said no and went home because I didn't want him to try to have sex with me again. Plus it was really awkward for me. I never had sex one the first date before, I'd only slept with 2 guys in my life that I was in long committed loving relationships with. This was all new to me and I didn't exactly know what proper protocol was. I guess he took offense, or just didn't care anymore because I slept with him because the next time I tried to hang out with him (and possibly have sober sex) he said he was sorry but got back together with his ex and couldn't talk to me anymore. I facebook stalked him and it was true, they did get back together. Can't fault the guy for being honest.

Lessons learned: Never take advice from Sheilah. Getting under another guy does not work. Beware Italian dick.

So Sheilah tells me she made an account on okcupid and met some cool guys so I should make one. I did and met this guy his name was Justin and we talked. He seemed like a nice guy even though his profile said he was 34. Well I was 21 but I decided ok maybe I'll try out older guys, I've only dated guys my age and obviously it aint working out. I met him at this spot called The Yellow Deli for coffee and the first thing I noticed was he was sooooo not 33. He had to be at least 40. He wasn't ugly, but he was just old. Like he was the same age as my mom, weird. But I decide to give the guy a chance and see if his personality changed my mind. He really was a nice guy and interesting. He was an artist and a dj. He had his own house with a pet python. We went to dinner after coffee and got food and drinks. Then we went to the beach and walked an talked about art and our favorite artists. Then we went to his house and we smoked pot and played Mortal Kombat on the xbox. Then he took me home and he hugged me. I really had a good time but I still wasn't attracted to him. If he had been like 20 yrs younger then I totally would've busted that dick. But he wasn't, and I didn't want to lead him on so I eventually lost contact with him.

Lessons learned: Seriously, do not fucking take advice from Sheilah.

So I'm out with Sheilah (you already know this is gonna end bad) and we're at a club. It's a really good night and Sheilah spots these two guys. One guy is ok, he's like a 6.5/10 mostly because he's really fit. Obviously a Marine. Then he has a friend, completely fucking gorgeous. Tall, nice body, etc. 10/10. In my mind, he's way out of my league. He's like a Josh Duhmel look-alike and would never be interested in me so I'm ready to just leave and avoid this whole thing.

But in Sheilah's mind, he's lunch.

There is a problem though, Sheilah spots a wedding ring. At this point she's already on her boyfriend hunting rampage and decides to talk to them anyway because they're both looking at her pretty hard. I don't care for marines at all so I'm just gonna let her do her thing and tag along for the ride. The single guy's name is Dominic and the hot one is Kyle. We're hanging out, they're buying us drinks. Sheilah is chatting up Dominic and I'm just hanging with Kyle and talking him to keep from just standing there awkwardly. Dominic is a marine and seems really proud of the fact that he has a gay brother and he goes to gay clubs because he tells us all about it. I guess he thinks we'll think he's cool for being ~so openminded~ Kyle is a marine from Hawaii and he has a wife that he just married because he was getting deployed and she's back in Hawaii. While we're talking Kyle leans over to me and goes "you know I can tell you're a good girl, but that one *points to sheilah* she's trouble." I tell him it takes trouble to know trouble. He didn't have a response to that one.

So we leave the bar to go to a different one and Sheilah just kind of wanders off with Dominic, she tends to do that. Kyle says he wants me to hold his hand but we can't interlock fingers because he's married. I think he's actually being sincere and wants to be friends (I'm wasted if you haven't figured it out) so we're walking trying to find Sheilah and Dominic. He says he wants to go to the car and get his jacket because it is pretty fucking cold. I go with and we sit in the car for a while with the heater on and the conversation goes a bit like this.

Him: You're very beautiful, (lie) can I kiss you?
Me: ....no....
Him: What if I kiss your neck? It's not cheating if I kiss your neck. (lie)
Me: I think we need to go find Sheilah.
Him: You know, you are a good girl. I'm happy I met you. I really don't want to cheat on my wife (lie) you're a good girl thank you for not letting me make a mistake. (it was longer than that and I'm sure there was some more lies but I was drunk and can't remember everything he said in that unnecessary monologue of lies)

So we get out and find Sheilah and Dominic at a taco place. The boys buy us food. It gets late so we have Sheilah's mom come pick us up. He texts me the next day (totally forgot I gave him my number) and it's friendly and formal. I'm lazy-texting on and off and then out of nowhere he's all "would you have shown me a good time if I wasn't married?" I told him no then I stopped texting him because that was a really weird question. He texted me again the next week talking about how he didn't see me in the bar. I didn't respond so finally he stopped texting me. I'm not going to be this dude's Lewinsky, no thank you.

Lessons learned: Put a fucking GPS tracking device on Sheilah. Other than that, nothing. I always knew marines were shady ass sluts.

Then there was Alyce. Yes, Alyce is a girl. Alyce is Sheilah's friend and she has a car so all three of us would occasionally go to Oceanside and go to the bars there. Sheilah is being her usual self and trying to find potential boyfriends and guys to buy her drinks for the night so it's just me and Alyce. I started talking to her and I don't know if it was the alcohol but I was really attracted to her. She told me she was bisexual and I said I wanted to kiss her.

Problem: We're in a fucking bar. When girls kiss at a bar guys feel entitled to say something stupid and try to get in between you. So I do what any other classy girl would do and I take Alyce to the bathroom. We start making out on the bathroom, she puts me up on the sink some skanky shit happens until this blonde girl walks into the bathroom and sees us. So yeah we're embarrassed as fuck and we like run out of there. The girl is clearly drunk talking about "oh it's ok you're fine!" Like we're just gonna sit there making out while she pees like it's all good. It's not. When I'm out I go back to the bar and the blonde girl comes to me and like drags me from the bar to the dancefloor and starts dancing with me, grinding up on me and stuff. She's there with this really old white guy who's like staring at us so I'm assuming he was her sugar daddy or something and tried to get her to pick me up. First of all, you guys already know I can't do old guys. Secondly, ew. Alyce tried to take me to her place but I ended up getting way too drunk and puking. Plus I really didn't want to mess up our friendship since we're on the BSU together. We're still really good friends to this day.

Lessons learned: Do not PDA in public spaces. Beware drunk white girls.

And then lastly, there was Chris. I met Chris while I was working at the college. He was graduating to transfer to the cal state university to pursue a degree in art. He wanted to be a comic book artist and he was really good at it, he showed me his sketches. Chris was like the exact opposite of everything I had been dealing with. He was chubby, wore glasses, thick eyebrows, really shy, loved anime and kind of a huge nerd. But he was cute to me. We talked while I was riding the Sprinter home and he struggled with it but managed to ask me out. I decided, what the fuck, he seems like a nice guy and said yeah I'll go out with him. So the first time we went out I met up with him after work and he took me to eat. Then he took me to the movies and we saw The Avengers. I had a lot of fun with him and he was funny and a really good artist. I ended up kissing him, but just like a regular closed mouth kiss.

Not to him, he tried to stick his whole fucking tongue (& pretty much the rest of his mouth) into my mouth. Not cool.

I let it slide and he ended up texting me again. We talked for a few days, kept it casual and he ended up asking me to go out again. I said yes but on the day of I totally forgot and ended up at home getting really stoned. At first I was gonna back out of it but he like pressed me to go. I tried to tell him I had to work closing but he said he'd wait. So I went over to work even though it was already closed. I had my friend Aurora sneak me in so I could walk out and make it look like I was at work the whole time and not totally on my couch getting stoned not even thinking about Chris.

So we're making our way to our mall date and we decided to take the train because it's a straight shot from the college to where we're going and we'll avoid the evening traffic. While we're waiting for the train he keeps trying to kiss me. I'm pushing him off like slow down there partner, I'm not down for getting felt up at the bus station. He says sorry but every time after he says sorry he goes back to putting his arms around me and trying to kiss me and be all up on me.

I'm stoned, and when I'm stoned I REALLY don't like people all up on me.

I keep telling him to stop, he keeps not listening. So finally I'm just like "you know what, I've told you to stop multiple times and you're not listening to me and it's pissing me off so I'm going home." And I took the train home and made an angry facebook status about it. He texts me talking about how he's sorry and he thought I was his girlfriend (wat?) and he has all these feelings for me.

Red alert.

I keep telling him we just went on one date and I'm not looking to jump into a relationship. He keeps talking about a relationship. I just start ignoring him. He keeps texting me. He even starts coming to my job and giving me sad puppy dog eyes trying to get me to talk to him, which annoys me even more. He starts texting me at work saying he knows I'm there he saw me and just give him another chance. I call him and finally spell it out that I am no longer interested in him and to stop texting me.

Lessons learned: Beware the "nice guy"

So at this point I'm sexually frustrated from only having one (pretty crappy) sexual encounter and frustrated frustrated that I'm doing this dating thing all wrong. So I ended up getting into an fwb style relationship with my ex and I'm pretty sure you guys know how that turned out. In case you don't know, it turned out complete shit. We went straight back to having petty stupid fights so I broke it off. After a while we realized we really can't just stop talking to each other so now we're just really good friends who talk every day and occasionally go to lunch.

Oh I ended up making out with Freya the Chinese foreign exchange student on Halloween who proceeded to tell everyone she ever ran into. You guys who read the Halloween post know about that. (Lessons learned: do not dress as nicki minaj, you will lose your fucking mind.) So it wasn't a complete strike out for me this year. Even though I made some fucking awful decisions I don't really regret them. What's that quote? It's better to be utterly absurd than utterly boring? That's how I feel about the whole thing.

So yeah if you read all this, kudos, it started out as a paragraph about my boring ass doomsday and ended up a complete dissertation on all my 2012 fuck ups. Welcome to my embarrassing life. I'm going to try to take these lessons learned and apply them to 2013.

Good read, full of lulz
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LOL I officially love you.
Since I have no social life what so ever, I'm going to start living through you. lol
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Mish you're my hero
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