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Mo money mo problems

Posted by Mishelle, 28 July 2015 · 506 views

My grandpa died a couple months ago from complications after lung transplant surgery. We'd been talking about getting his affairs in order because he was still dealing with the death of his older brother and the death of my great grandma. So while he was trying to inherit their things he was also trying to finish up his own will in case he died. Well he died before he could even get his will finalized and now everyone is fighting over his assets.

His girlfriend first tried to claim that they were common law married which is impossible since there is no common law marriage in California. Then she tried to say they had a civil union. Now she's saying that they got married back in 2013 and got this minister lady to cosign saying that she officiated the wedding. I think it's complete bullshit because my grandpa and I talked all the time. Never once did he call her his wife. He called her his girlfriend or Lola, that's it. He never told me they were married. And she didn't even pay for his funeral. My uncle did.

Now she's taking my dad and my uncle to court over this trying to claim his dead brothers house because she wants to live in the house. She can't even afford to live in the house. It's a 700k house if she can't even afford a funeral how the hell is she gonna afford the property taxes? This chick is beyond delusional.

My uncles wife Ruth has been basically taking care of the legal stuff because my uncle still has health issues from his kidney transplant and my dad is mentally ill he can't handle this mess. Ruth has Crohn's disease and just had to go to the hospital because she had a flare up. Probably from the stress.

It just pisses me off that she wants all of the benefits but none of the responsibilities that are coming from his death. When my grandpa and I spoke he always told me that he wanted everyone to get something and with all of his property and assets it's totally possible to divide it all up and let everyone get something but she wants to take everything. It's pathetic.

What a friggin' mess...a death in the family is the #1 thing that can really make you hate everybody (especially random hangers-on circling like underfed sharks).

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