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midnight ramblings

Posted by Rocket, 31 July 2014 · 662 views

So it's midnight and I'm usually long asleep by now, butI'm slightly entranced by this thunder and lightning storm happening. It's eerily calming, when normally I'm terrified. There's no wind, no rain, just the flashes breaking through my blinds, then the dull roar of thunder off in the distance.

My mind is wandering a lot tonight: death, love, the future.

There's this one quote from a movie that's playing in my head over and over, I'll slightly alter it to fit better with my scenario:

"What if you meet the love of your life, and you are already in a relationship, or vise versa, are you supposed to let them pass you by?"

I'm one of those crazy people that believes that there IS one person out there somewhere who we are destined to be with, your soul mate. Have I found him or her yet? WillI know it? What if I'm in a relationship, can I pass that up? I would think that I would know instantly, but I am a little slow on picking things up sometimes. I feel like this person will have to come by a few times to get my attention. I'm always wrapped up in my own little world where I am safe and comfortable.

Is it possible that this person has already come in and out of my life? Did I miss them completely? Am I doomed for a life of solitude with 12 cats?

Or just or what if you have met them but it's just the wrong time? Right love at the wrong time? There's a song about this, now it's playing in my head, she was/is a local artist from when I lived in Hawaii.

I'm ready to be whisked off my feet, where ever you may be, and who ever you might be.

And since I'm writing this on my phone it took entirely too long to post. Don't mind me and my crazy ramblings, this is a blog afterall. Alll this thinking is hurting my brain, I'm hoping the thunder can lull me to sleep now.

If you're destined to be with them, it doesn't matter because it'll work out in the end. :p

(I don't know, I don't believe in such things)
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There's a saying that goes something like 'What's the difference between your soul-mate and the love of your life? You choose who the love of your life is.' I have mixed emotions on the topic but I believe there are people you instantly click with and you're meant to meet and I don't necessarily think it has to be romantic either. You can have a platonic soul-mate :)

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Of the 7 billion+ people in the world it's probably not too likely that just one of them is specifically designed for any one other. :p All we can do is to try to make the most of the ones we come across that we do like/love and treat them like they're 'the one' and if they don't work out then there's always going to be another that's at least almost as good (or perhaps even better, you never know). And even if it never happens again there's worse things than dying alone, like standing on a piece of Lego or slamming your finger in a car door (might not be worse than being old and alone, having a serious fall and being eaten alive by your many cats though... :/).

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I don't believe in love at first sight. To me, love is respecting and caring for each other and that feeling just isn't there when I meet someone new. We can have a lot of things in common but then the first thing I'd think about is "I want to be friends with that person" or "I want to get to know them better". I can't fall in love with someone I don't know much about.

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you guys all have very good points :) thank you for your opinions and not judging my half-sleepy brain to harshly <3 

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