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#51 Ambition

  • 558 posts

Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:05 PM

Ouch bro :(

1)People in other countries who hate America without reason. I am beyond sick of people who think that America is full of stuck up, ignorant snobs, etc etc. They are like, "They know nothing about us" and yet they dont know anything about us. I hate it even more given that there is an 85% chance that our country is giving them economic aide money, while they claim that we do nothing to help, or that we only care about ourselves.

2)Cheaters. They do permanent damage to the person they cheat on, enough said. (Maybe an exception or two. Like if the other person cheated first)

I was waiting for your reply to that. :p

#52 Jake

  • 2701 posts

Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:25 PM

I hate recent and immediate immigrants. These people like to come to NA saying they have all these rights and shit, which of course, they do; but some shit people complain about is just ridiculous. I read up on this shit and 90% of those people come from shit torn countries, as in the kind you see on those charity commercials. While I have generations of my people in this country I have come to the fact that this is an immigration country and I must deal with it. I however will never rid the fact that I could not move nicely and live comfortably in most of their mother countries.

On a side note I was reading about some golf league issue in the US concerning transgendered players. Something about how transgendered females (as in males to females, either there are none reversed or it's not an issue) are not allowed to play in this league or tournament. A defence lawyer made a claim that it would be like not allowing black people on a bus. FUCKING LOLZ.

#53 Georgina

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:47 PM

Guys who think this is cool/looks good?


Posted Image

No one wants to see your underwear you retards.

#54 Jake

  • 2701 posts

Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:02 PM

Guys who think this is cool/looks good?


No one wants to see your underwear you retards.

In their defence, I probably look like that when I'm about to pounce.

#55 togepi

  • 123 posts

Posted 04 December 2010 - 08:21 PM

Anyone who claims to be "individual or unique", and they dress/talk/act the same exact way as all of their friends. This tends to run in the emo/scene groups, and they all the same hair cut, wear the same clothes, say, "I luv muffins" and other nonsense.

... Yes, i do dislike scene/emo kids very much.

Oh my God, I totally forgot about this. It just makes me want to hit a baby.

#56 cara

  • 56/m/mexico

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 10:48 PM

2)Cheaters. They do permanent damage to the person they cheat on, enough said. (Maybe an exception or two. Like if the other person cheated first)

Same here. I have no respect for ANYBODY who cheats on another person.

I don't really think i discriminate against many people, seeing as how growing up, as well as now, I have friends of all races and personalities ..

BUT, one thing that does get on my nerves, are people who live in an English speaking area and don't know english. At work, i come across SO MANY asian people (who are relatively young) that can't speak a word of english. It takes us 20 minutes to communicate something as simple as 'shoe size 6' or 'do you have this in a small?'. -And then they get frustrated and angry with ME for not understanding whatever language they speak or their confusing hand motions and repeating a word in their language 25 times REALLY slowly somehow thinking that will make me understand.

Also some french girls. I know that's weird, seeing as how i speak french, but a french bitch is usually a regular bitch x25. At least all the french girls i've met are. I usually have no desire to meet any of them.

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