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Are YOU still bothered by Vicks actions in dog fights?

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#1 DanDoesWork

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 12:00 PM

Over and over again whenever I stop by to watch a Eagles game or even tailgate in philly there are just a group of people who still protest Vick. I'm not sure about you guys but I think it may be just about time to move on from that chapter of his life. The man gave up almost everything he had, went to jail, and the man himself is trying to better himself as a human being but people still give him crap about it. I know there are some dog lovers here but what do you guys honestly think?

#2 Bryan

  • 4107 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 12:42 PM

Over and over again whenever I stop by to watch a Eagles game or even tailgate in philly there are just a group of people who still protest Vick. I'm not sure about you guys but I think it may be just about time to move on from that chapter of his life. The man gave up almost everything he had, went to jail, and the man himself is trying to better himself as a human being but people still give him crap about it. I know there are some dog lovers here but what do you guys honestly think?

Guy's famous. Of course he's gonna get hate. Who cares, he did his time and it probably the best QB prospect in the NFL right now. Haters gonna hate.

#3 Turtleboy

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 01:12 PM

Over and over again whenever I stop by to watch a Eagles game or even tailgate in philly there are just a group of people who still protest Vick. I'm not sure about you guys but I think it may be just about time to move on from that chapter of his life. The man gave up almost everything he had, went to jail, and the man himself is trying to better himself as a human being but people still give him crap about it. I know there are some dog lovers here but what do you guys honestly think?

Nope I'm not really bothered by it.

I think that the Eagles fans should be more worried/bothered by his playing today. (Rather the giant's amazing defense!)
He's having a pretty amazing year and thats what really matters.

I'm not saying that dogfighting is a good thing but why aren't those people that protest his every action gunning for every person who supports/has dogfights?


Damn, I take that back. The way Michael Vick is playing - he might as well get rid of his runningbacks.
God damn he's amazing at what he does.

Edited by Turtleboy, 19 December 2010 - 01:12 PM.

#4 DanDoesWork

  • 685 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 01:28 PM

Nope I'm not really bothered by it.

I think that the Eagles fans should be more worried/bothered by his playing today. (Rather the giant's amazing defense!)
He's having a pretty amazing year and thats what really matters.

I'm not saying that dogfighting is a good thing but why aren't those people that protest his every action gunning for every person who supports/has dogfights?


Damn, I take that back. The way Michael Vick is playing - he might as well get rid of his runningbacks.
God damn he's amazing at what he does.

hhhahaha lol I love it! What a epic win

#5 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 03:03 PM

Dude Stallworth murdered a man, and we hear jack shit from the media on him. Unfortunately for Vick there will always be haters.

Let the guy play his game, and I swear that if he dies tomorrow everyone will start hopping on his dick on how good of a football player he was.

#6 ToxicS

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 03:56 PM

Served his time, no reason to bag on him anymore.

#7 Connery

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 06:30 PM

Dude Stallworth murdered a man, and we hear jack shit from the media on him. Unfortunately for Vick there will always be haters.

Let the guy play his game, and I swear that if he dies tomorrow everyone will start hopping on his dick on how good of a football player he was.

He got less than a fucking month in prison, too...

#8 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 07:52 PM

He got less than a fucking month in prison, too...

/smh at the things that Americans do.

So taking a dog's life is much valued above a man's life? That's just fucking wrong; either we're talking about one, or even a thousand dogs harmed, killing a man should get anyone in prison for a hefty amount of time.

#9 Turtleboy

  • 424 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 08:01 PM

hhhahaha lol I love it! What a epic win

I hate you :(

In regards to the previous poster,
I don't think it's a question of whether a man's life is worth more then a dog's life.
It was the state of mind of the "perpetrator" in question.
Michael Vick knowingly forced dogs to fight each other, while Donte Stallworth was driving drunk. It wasn't like Donte Stallworth woke up that day deciding to kill a random stranger but rather it was an accident.

#10 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 08:41 PM

I hate you :(

In regards to the previous poster,
I don't think it's a question of whether a man's life is worth more then a dog's life.
It was the state of mind of the "perpetrator" in question.
Michael Vick knowingly forced dogs to fight each other, while Donte Stallworth was driving drunk. It wasn't like Donte Stallworth woke up that day deciding to kill a random stranger but rather it was an accident.

So the intent behind all this does play a role and I did overlook that. What doesn't make any sense at all however is that Stallworth only went to prison for a month, and the same time we never hear from the media much about the guy.

Vick already served his time, and for people who watch the eagles, the guy's arguably playing an MVP-worthy year...so why not give him a second chance?

If a month from prison is deemed enough (doesn't make any sense whatsoever) to forgive someone of driving under the influence and killing someone in an accident, for sure as hell that serving years in prison for dog fighting should also be enough.

Edited by Lallard, 19 December 2010 - 08:42 PM.

#11 Fresca

  • 514 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 09:08 PM

I wouldn't protest or anything, but yeah it still bothers me. There's a huge difference between making a stupid, stupid decision and accidentally killing someone and purposely supporting and facilitating the abuse of animals. Especially when you're letting dogs fight to the death for entertainment. It's grotesque. It's not that I value the lives of animals over humans, it's just that ... I actually value the lives of animals. I'm just as disgusted with anyone who knowingly kills people, too. I don't think that chilling in prison for a while will necessarily make someone less of a shitty person, nor does it make up for the loss of life (in the same way that the guy who killed someone in a car accident being sentenced to jailtime doesn't make up for that death, either), so the whole "~he served his time, get over it" idea is just ridiculous to me. Like I said, I don't care if he's playing football and I don't care if everyone else gets over it or whatever. I'm not going to try to convince anyone to share my opinion, but I still think he's a dick and a disgusting human being.

#12 Dichromate

  • 277 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:44 PM

It could be worse. If he lived in my country, even if he knowingly beat a dog to death/tortured it, the most punishment he would have been given is a 60-100USD fine. No jail time at ALL. He might still be a dick, but no one can tell dicks stop playing ball because they're one. I'm an animal lover, but that said, I think the punishment's fitting enough. He's given, he's served, shouldn't he be allowed to go back to a normal life?

#13 DanDoesWork

  • 685 posts

Posted 20 December 2010 - 05:46 PM

I wouldn't protest or anything, but yeah it still bothers me. There's a huge difference between making a stupid, stupid decision and accidentally killing someone and purposely supporting and facilitating the abuse of animals. Especially when you're letting dogs fight to the death for entertainment. It's grotesque. It's not that I value the lives of animals over humans, it's just that ... I actually value the lives of animals. I'm just as disgusted with anyone who knowingly kills people, too. I don't think that chilling in prison for a while will necessarily make someone less of a shitty person, nor does it make up for the loss of life (in the same way that the guy who killed someone in a car accident being sentenced to jailtime doesn't make up for that death, either), so the whole "~he served his time, get over it" idea is just ridiculous to me. Like I said, I don't care if he's playing football and I don't care if everyone else gets over it or whatever. I'm not going to try to convince anyone to share my opinion, but I still think he's a dick and a disgusting human being.

Welll you have a point but also his environment also triggers his behavior, he did come from the south where I doubt it's uncommon to do, but regardless it's a shameful act of violence. Vick did go to prison, and not to mention lost almost all of his assets, and not to mention he is in still huge debt. But the man continuously tries to reach out to the youth about how ashamed he really is about his whole ordeal, and how it changed him as a person. I personally met him and talked to him in a seminar and calling him a dick for that might be eh, he has grown as a human being, and matured. I just think people should try to read into how much he is really trying to change himself, and trying to spread it to the younger kids. Jail can make most men turn right around from their old ways.

#14 Roxi

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Posted 21 December 2010 - 08:07 PM

I own a pit. True, there's no use in protesting against him, but anyone who's ever owned one of those amazing dogs will always feel hatred toward him. It's people like him who give pit bulls their bad names, and it's just wrong. What he did he will never be able to make right. He can play football and have the glorious famous life he's gonna live, but he'll never be a good person. People try to make it out like rich people are gods and can do whatever they want. Again, dumb.

#15 DanDoesWork

  • 685 posts

Posted 24 December 2010 - 12:59 AM

I own a pit. True, there's no use in protesting against him, but anyone who's ever owned one of those amazing dogs will always feel hatred toward him. It's people like him who give pit bulls their bad names, and it's just wrong. What he did he will never be able to make right. He can play football and have the glorious famous life he's gonna live, but he'll never be a good person. People try to make it out like rich people are gods and can do whatever they want. Again, dumb.

Well there is accountability, and he has been trying what looks like his hardest to do it. The guy doesn't even go out with the team to a simple party, he'd rather stay home with his family and stay out of trouble and live in a more simple life. True pitbulls get a bad rap, but if you look at it they are the leading pets that bite humans. I for myself would never go out and say a person will never be a good person, because he has more tried to be one, and has even donated money to many charitable organizations. but thats just my opinion among many others.

#16 Ladida

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 05:20 PM

It's old. He's not STILL doing it. People need to move on. I'm sure there're lots of other people out there torturing their dogs this very second.

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