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#26 Boggart

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:00 AM

Caffeine in various coffee's/pops does nothing to me. Then again, I make a point of not drinking too much pop or anything else. (I won't deny I love coffee and mountain dew though) I also have had insomnia as long as I can remember, so that does the effect of caffeine a lot for me.

Tbh. the abuse use of caffeine in this thread is sorta sickening to me. I can't imagine having to stay up for however long. If you get the point where you need to take caffeine to stay awake, you're obviously not getting enough sleep, and obviously have too much to do - neither of which is healthy. Also, energy drinks/pop are extremely un-healthy and I have never understood why people can drink so much of it.

I'm on the little boat that says A: School should start waaaaay later. (Cause really, if you're getting enough sleep, you'll wake up on your own, and don't need an alarm clock) and B: Either less homework period, or more time to do it. Sleep is extremely vital, and today's society seems to not really... take it into consideration, something I despise. But what can you do? /sigh

That's my little opinion on caffeine. *whistles and holds up shield* Go ahead. Flame me.

You're still in high school right? Try staying awake with post-secondary education. I never needed caffeine till I started university.

#27 Juturna

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:08 AM

You're still in high school right? Try staying awake with post-secondary education. I never needed caffeine till I started university.

Yes. I'm aware. College is much more tough than High School in terms of content, hence:

A: School should start waaaaay later. and B: Either less homework period, or more time to do it.

I was getting at both High School and college when I said that, dear.

#28 Boggart

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:19 AM

Yes. I'm aware. College is much more tough than High School in terms of content, hence:

I was getting at both High School and college when I said that, dear.

Oh I realize. But I'm saying even with your best efforts, like as I stated above, when you wake up at 7, class till 5:30, work till 11, and you don't want to fail all your classes so you study --> when do you have time for sleep?

I have no idea why you're under the impression school starts later. Sure it does but the travel time for me is also triple.

I have classes MWF from 9:30 - 1:30 with an hour inbetween, a break till 2:30 where I have a 2 to 3 hour lab. The only exception being mondays. Tuesday Thursday I start at 10 but my sister starts at 8:30 so I go with her since I'm her ride. Thursdays I finish at 5:30, tuesdays I finish at 2:30 but my sister finishes at 3:45. Im at school ALL DAY on the weekdays.

#29 Juturna

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:20 AM

when do you have time for sleep?

That is the issue that I was getting at. We're so busy in school, work, and other stuff, we don't have time to sleep, which is extremely unhealthy. =/

#30 Boggart

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:22 AM

That is the issue that I was getting at. We're so busy in school, work, and other stuff, we don't have time to sleep, which is extremely unhealthy. =/

Oh I realize that it's in no way Ideal. I usually get my sleep on weekends, unless I work at 6AM on saturday/sunday in which case I cry. I get so drained for the rest of the week it's unbearable.

#31 likerobots

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:35 AM

due to the nature of me, i get anxiety from taking too mich caffeine nowadays.
but i still love my morning coffee, much for the taste, sometimes for the energy.

I think it might be making you drowsy after you initially have the coffee because it's a warm drink, and warm drinks usually induce somatic effects. right .

#32 Monsoon

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:35 AM

When I drink Monsters, I get all jittery (like now xD just drank one) then 1-2 hours later, I feel like complete shit.. can't wait >.<
With coffee, its the same, but not as bad :p

#33 Frizzle

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 08:08 AM

Oh boohoo the students can't hack a few measley hours of work and partying.

Try doing a 23 hour shift and then we'll see who is truly tired. Caffeine abuse? More necessary then blood and water in my job

#34 Boggart

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 08:21 AM

Pssh who has time for partying? I'm lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a day.

Living closer to school would also give me an extra hour a day. Plus then I could quit my job ^_^

#35 Shampoo

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 12:08 PM

caffeinated gum is the way to go

#36 RubberBand

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 02:09 PM

That is the issue that I was getting at. We're so busy in school, work, and other stuff, we don't have time to sleep, which is extremely unhealthy. =/

It's not as unhealthy as you think:


#37 Pixii

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 04:55 PM

The most Caffeine ever does to me is give me a headache if i dont drink it, I dont get a buzz, IIt doesn't make me sleepy or keep me awake... But i do crave for it.

#38 Nymh

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 07:24 PM

I didn't drink caffeine until I got pregnant. I had migraines every day and the only thing that would make them go away was caffeine. My doctor said it was totally fine to drink one caffeinated beverage a day, thus it began.
After that, it helped when I was working full time and up all night with the baby.
Now I drink it when I don't get enough sleep the night before or am just feeling crappy/unmotivated.
I try to get my caffeine with as few calories and as little sugar as possible, so coffee w/ Stevia, or diet colas sweetened with Splenda. Occasionally I will drink a 5-hour energy.
I also take vitamins that have (I feel) a stronger and more long-lasting effect than caffeine.

#39 ShadowLink64

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 08:01 PM

Pro-tip: Consider switching to drinking tea. There's not as much caffeine, and you can drink enough of it so that your body slowly absorbs it, and/or have it at multiple times during the day. That way you don't have the crazy crash or the inability to sleep.

#40 Boggart

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 08:06 PM

Pro-tip: Consider switching to drinking tea. There's not as much caffeine, and you can drink enough of it so that your body slowly absorbs it, and/or have it at multiple times during the day. That way you don't have the crazy crash or the inability to sleep.

Pro-pro-tip: tea is gay. Get those energizing gels.

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Smart. Bacon Strips. Bacon Strips.

#41 Tetiel

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 11:50 PM

I generally only drink coffee on days I work mornings, but I'm also discovering the sad fact that no matter how much sleep I've gotten on my "days off" I can work on my other stuff without having caffeine. It's like caffeine withdrawls cause ADD. I do try to cut down, but if I get away from it for too long I have days where I'll get up at noon and want to go back to bed at 4 with a massive headache.

I'm just glad I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in university. I knew some girls that started in middle school, which is a disturbing thought.

Oh, and occasionally I'll go to 7-11 and get an amp slurpee which pretty much fuels me for the day since it takes me forever to drink it.

#42 ToxicS

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 12:36 AM

I love caffeine pills.

That is all.

#43 grafxmaster

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 12:54 AM

Energy drinks / shots are disgusting, in my opinion anyway.

Really, pop is much better, but I can't stop drinking Mountain Dew.

I have some much (home)work to do caffeine is essential to my life (as many other people here).
I wish I could stop, I really do, because it's horrible for me, but it's stereotypical addiction:nothing else satisfies AND my life and physical happiness depend on it LOL

#44 chini

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 12:59 PM

I've cut caffeine drinks completely out of my diet years ago. One of the best things I ever did. I never needed the stuff to keep me awake.

But I do enjoy an occasional drink once in a great while.

#45 Plunk

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 01:39 PM

I've never actually had an energy drink though. I hear people get addicted o.o Although I realize coffee ain't any better.

I had a caffeine addiction about four years ago. I didn't even realize I was addicted, I just thought I loved the flavor of the drinks so much that I just wanted more and more. Eventually, I got to a point that I was drinking two 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew, and a few energy drinks here and there a day. One night alone I had four Monster BFC's. (They're like three of the regular cans each.)

Then one day I only had one 2 liter of Dew, and no energy drinks, and when I woke up the next morning I knew something was very wrong. At first I thought that it was because the Dew I'd had was the Voltage kind, (It had just come out at this point.) so I figured that I was allergic to something in it. I had a severe headache, my muscles were cramping up, I couldn't get out of bed, I was nauseous, light hurt my eyes, and I couldn't breathe without feeling pain. During the first day of this, I still drank a couple liters of Dew, because I didn't realize I was having caffeine withdrawals, and that just made it worse. (Think throwing gas on a fire to try and put it out.)

Eventually I realized what was going on, and I quit drinking caffeine for six months. Whenever I had soda of any sort, I made sure it was caffeine free, and everything worked out great. Then I decided that if I could completely quit drinking caffeinated drinks, I could slowly reintroduce them, and drink them at a normal, regularized pace. At first I almost just dropped right back into where I was, and I realized that I had to slow down when I went through a 24 pack of Dew in two days. Eventually I balanced out, and now a two liter of Dew will last me around a week instead of an hour.

Don't ever let anyone tell you caffeine addiction is easy to break. The facts are that caffeine is a drug, and a caffeine addiction is just as hard to break as most drug addictions.

#46 WharfRat

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 10:02 PM

Don't ever let anyone tell you caffeine addiction is easy to break. The facts are that caffeine is a drug, and a caffeine addiction is just as hard to break as most drug addictions.

Try breaking a meth addiction and then you can make this statement. :p

As a (former) long term stimulant (ab)user, I feel qualified enough to talk about this subject. :p

Nowadays, I generally will drink 2-3 cups of coffee around noon every day. (I go to class from ~8/9-12 M-F grab some coffee, head to work.) On days that I know will be stressful, I will add a shot of espresso to the above. This in conjunction with copious amounts of nicotine generally will hold me throughout the day.

Boggart, sometimes I experience what you mention about just being mega tired after caffeine, but I actually associate it with a supplement I take to boost memory/creativity/mental focus/cognitive function. On most days the supplement works like a charm and is a bit stimulating so in conjunction with the caffeine and nicotine I fly through my days with great success. Occasionally, it will instead make me very drowsy even with the additional caffeine/nicotine. I have found that taking a quick snack/a meal will instantly shoot me back up to where I would need to be. So my suggestion would be to eat a snack if you are feeling drowsy post caffeine consumption.

#47 Plunk

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 10:22 PM

Try breaking a meth addiction and then you can make this statement. :p

Don't ever let anyone tell you caffeine addiction is easy to break. The facts are that caffeine is a drug, and a caffeine addiction is just as hard to break as most drug addictions.

Never said it was as hard as all other addictions, just as hard as most.

#48 Boggart

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 06:56 AM

Occasionally, it will instead make me very drowsy even with the additional caffeine/nicotine. I have found that taking a quick snack/a meal will instantly shoot me back up to where I would need to be. So my suggestion would be to eat a snack if you are feeling drowsy post caffeine consumption.

Not a bad idea sir. I also found that drinking a lot of water will help a bit too. But then I have to pee a lot in class especially with the caffeine coursing through my body.

#49 onlyme

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 08:04 AM

i know what effect coffee has on slinky...

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#50 mrstollery

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 08:16 AM

I would be without doubt listed as an addict. Power through 5-10 cups a day and a few energy drinks. Used to have to work 80-100 hours a week and havent kicked the habit yet :sorry:

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