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The Workout Thread!

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#1 Futurama

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 09:57 PM

This is the thread where you post your daily / weekly workout.....

I just started working out last week. The first day my buddy put me through his workout routine and I still can't feel my arms... (I believe I lifted too much at first). Right now I'm only lifting 100 lbs. Don't make fun of my puny arms :(. He also had me do like...10 other things for shoulders, pecks, biceps, triceps....everything...I'm so sore right now lol.

#2 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:56 PM

I honestly didn't know if I would make it today.. I was sweating so bad, and my head was pounding.
I could literally feel the blood rushing to my brain. My body felt 3x heavier then it is, and with every lift of my leg I cried out..
It was probably the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Far surpassing childbirth..

But it was worth every bit, because reaching the top of the stairs was a vital role in getting to my computer.
I will climb them again tomorrow.

#3 Futurama

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:57 PM

I honestly didn't know if I would make it today.. I was sweating so bad, and my head was pounding.
I could literally feel the blood rushing to my brain. My body felt 3x heavier then it is, and with every lift of my leg I cried out..
It was probably the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Far surpassing childbirth..

But it was worth every bit, because reaching the top of the stairs was a vital role in getting to my computer.
I will climb them again tomorrow.

You should have seen my face when I read like the first 2 sentences...I was like "What in the hell is this person talking about/ what are they on?"

#4 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:58 PM

You should have seen my face when I read like the first 2 sentences...I was like "What in the hell is this person talking about/ what are they on?"

Sometimes I do feel that way after a work out. No pain, no gain.

#5 Futurama

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 11:00 PM

Sometimes I do feel that way after a work out. No pain, no gain.

Let me tell you, I'm in a lot of pain right now.

#6 IcedEarth

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:09 AM

Did back, bis and neck today. I love that sore feeling lol

#7 Futurama

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:12 AM

Did back, bis and neck today. I love that sore feeling lol

That sore feeling sucks...especially when you're trying to sleep and you try to move into a different position...

#8 IcedEarth

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:15 AM

That sore feeling sucks...especially when you're trying to sleep and you try to move into a different position...

lol I love it. Man up! :p

It'll go down the more you workout anyway. I only get it when I stop for a week or so.

Edit: missed out a word.

Edited by IcedEarth, 07 July 2012 - 11:47 AM.

#9 Futurama

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:40 AM

lol I love it. Man up! :p

It'll go down the more you workout anyway. I only it when I stop for a week or so.

Yea, I figured I'd be really sore, it was my first time working out in like 2 years. I didn't expect it to hurt THIS much though lol.

#10 IcedEarth

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:46 AM

Yea, I figured I'd be really sore, it was my first time working out in like 2 years. I didn't expect it to hurt THIS much though lol.

Ah I see, apparently hot baths help with that. It's supposed to relax your muscles. Never tried it though!

#11 Futurama

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:49 AM

Ah I see, apparently hot baths help with that. It's supposed to relax your muscles. Never tried it though!

Just go with a really hot shower...it really does work :p

#12 Trichomes

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:50 AM

I recently started doing Pilates and it's kicking my ass. I love feeling sore after working out because it means I accomplished something.

#13 Random

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 12:58 PM

Did some cardio today. Otherwise, I've been deloading slightly this week.

Starting a new 5 day split on Monday. Bulking routine with a lot of emphasis on compound lifts for each muscle group.

I'm lean bulking until August then I'm going to heavy bulk until February. Trying to gain 15-25lbs throughout bulk.
I'm trying to have at least 10lbs of lean muscle after I cut from March - May.

#14 luvsmyncis

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 01:37 PM

I watch this a few times a week while eating a whole bag of M&M's.

#15 Random

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 01:52 PM

I watch this a few times a week while eating a whole bag of M&M's.

This bitch is way too bubbly.

#16 James

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 05:41 PM

Did back, bis and neck today. I love that sore feeling lol

I LOVE that sore feeling. It makes me feel like I had a good workout and I feel accomplished. :D

#17 Futurama

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:22 PM

I watch this a few times a week while eating a whole bag of M&M's.

Where's the ass, and what happened to her face?

#18 DrBroscientist

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 05:23 AM

In on this thread. Cutting now till December. Squats, bench and rows on the morrow.

#19 Jakerz

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:11 AM

I'm lean bulking until August then I'm going to heavy bulk until February. Trying to gain 15-25lbs throughout bulk.
I'm trying to have at least 10lbs of lean muscle after I cut from March - May.

What is your weight at now?

I've been getting stronger lately but I'm working too much to put on any weight which suckkkks.. thinking about doing roids when i get some time off lol

#20 Random

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:30 AM

What is your weight at now?

I've been getting stronger lately but I'm working too much to put on any weight which suckkkks.. thinking about doing roids when i get some time off lol

I'm 5'9" 170 right now. BF probably at 10%. I ultimately want to stay at and maintenance 180-185 with 5-7%BF.

I'm staying natty because I know my gains on gear would be lost when I got off. It's not worth the health risk for me. The only way people maintain them is by riding the bike at least once a year. Any idea what kind of gear you want to get? Tren and Test is a popular first cycle, some guys in one of my crews are on it.

What's your diet and supp stack? Also, your stats? Also, are you aware of the misc?

#21 Jakerz

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:45 AM

I'm 5'9" 170 right now. BF probably at 10%. I ultimately want to stay at and maintenance 180-185 with 5-7%BF.

I'm staying natty because I know my gains on gear would be lost when I got off. It's not worth the health risk for me. The only way people maintain them is by riding the bike at least once a year. Any idea what kind of gear you want to get? Tren and Test is a popular first cycle, some guys in one of my crews are on it.

What's your diet and supp stack? Also, your stats? Also, are you aware of the misc?

Yeah 185 at 7% bodyfat would look sick at your height, not too far off either.

My friend has been trying to get me to do a test cycle for a while. He told me as long as I get off the cycle the right way I won't lose much of the weight, and even if I do, it's always easier to get back to that size after you're been there. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet though lol

My diet is.. spotty.. I'm working out of town at a gold mine where I eat whatever they cook.. normally average around 4500 calaries a day, but working 12 hrs a day so it's not nearly enough.. I'm taking a weight gainer and pre-workout, but no creatine/glutamine/prohormone or anything. I'm 185 at ~7% bf, but 6'1.. looking to get up to ATLEAST 200 without increasing bodyfat. Not sure what you mean about being aware of the misc

How's your diet/supplement plan?

#22 Random

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:02 AM

Yeah 185 at 7% bodyfat would look sick at your height, not too far off either.

My friend has been trying to get me to do a test cycle for a while. He told me as long as I get off the cycle the right way I won't lose much of the weight, and even if I do, it's always easier to get back to that size after you're been there. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet though lol

My diet is.. spotty.. I'm working out of town at a gold mine where I eat whatever they cook.. normally average around 4500 calaries a day, but working 12 hrs a day so it's not nearly enough.. I'm taking a weight gainer and pre-workout, but no creatine/glutamine/prohormone or anything. I'm 185 at ~7% bf, but 6'1.. looking to get up to ATLEAST 200 without increasing bodyfat. Not sure what you mean about being aware of the misc

How's your diet/supplement plan?

Thanks, brah. I will get there, soon enough.

Yeah, there is definitely a right and wrong way to do it which is really important. Muscle memory will kick in even if you lose it. It's a big commitment, I would never but for some people it's the right move.

4500 a day isn't bad but you're doing manual labor, so you need more. Calculate your basal metabolic rate and get your macronutrient requirements. Hitting your macros is huge for putting on weight. Weight gainer is good, so is PWO if you can handle them. You're at a shredded level right now but 200 at your height would be sick. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about gaining BF during the winter. Try to bulk any way you can, for people like us we can always cut back down easily.

The misc is a section of the bodybuilding.com forums. Lots of lulz and good advice on lifting and shit. Really full of bros.

Currently, my diet is getting better. I do about 3000cals a day, more on cardio. I try to hit my macros each day, but it gets hard sometimes. My biggest problem is getting enough protein because I get sick of grilled chicken and egg whites.

My supp stack is really good, I'm gonna tweak it a bit soon though:

Morning: Multi, 1 Scoop On Whey, 2 Fish Oils
PWO: 1 Scoop ON Whey, 1 Scoop Cellucor C4, 1 Scoop MP Creatine
Post Workout: 1 Scoop ON Whey
Before Bed: 2 Scoops ON Casein

I'm going to change from Whey to a meat or soy based protein to eliminate lactose. Not as good for diet but better for my skin.
Also, removing creatine. I think its broscience, I don't notice changes with any kind of creatine be it mono or the MusclePharm shit I use.
Also, adding a weight gainer in between power workout and before bed.

#23 sprockets

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 11:12 AM

I'm quite curious how you guys are estimating your bf% do you use an electrical impedance scale? calipers? dexa scan? I only ask because 7% is quite lean.

I mean, I'm not expert in any way but fitness and nutrition are two of my biggest hobbies so I do do a lot of reading on the subject.

On topic: I do wind sprints twice a week and pull ups whenever I pass the pull up bar.

#24 Random

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 11:15 AM

I'm quite curious how you guys are estimating your bf% do you use an electrical impedance scale? calipers? dexa scan? I only ask because 7% is quite lean.

I mean, I'm not expert in any way but fitness and nutrition are two of my biggest hobbies so I do do a lot of reading on the subject.

On topic: I do wind sprints twice a week and pull ups whenever I pass the pull up bar.

I do it with a caliper. It's the cheapest way and is generally fairly accepted by builders.
7% is quite lean, but I can fluctuate my bodyfat incredibly quickly just by adjusting my cardio and fat intake. Super metabolism.

#25 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:40 PM

Honestly, my exercise plan consists of me parking as far away from the front door as possible every time I shop and standing on one foot when I wash my hands. I told my dr a couple months ago when he asked. His face went perfectly blank and he goes 'ok. Well, just keep that up then.' I have a pretty healthy diet though.

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