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Member Since 08 Aug 2007
Offline Oct 06 2008 05:18 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Just Got Stung

24 July 2008 - 04:10 PM

tongue.gif I'd suggest getting some ice on it; whenever that happens to me, I always cool it off...the area around it gets kinda 'whitish', so it's easier to see. Either that or wait for it to get inflamed enough to see it. If there is no inflamed area, the stinger might not be in at all o.o

In Topic: pro-life+death penalty = lolwut?

22 December 2007 - 05:13 AM


Christians, in the case of murder, have contradictory ideals:

It is wrong to kill...unless you're killing a killer, then it's okay. It's wrong to kill a fetus, since they think that the instant sperm hits egg a soul is born, yet there is no hesitation to kill someone who has a full conscience and the ability to affect society.

You cannot be the judge, only God is the judge....unless you are a judge appointed by the people to be a judge, then you can judge away!

It's rather rude of me, I know....but damn, people, make up your damn mind! Is it wrong kill, or are we allowed to kill? If so, don't have a commandment that says 'thou shalt not murder'! It's still murder if you're murdering a murderer, after all; just because he's in a cell with no hope of escape doesn't change that!

In fact, since the Christian right believe so strongly that fetuses have souls, I guess it's time for me to state something simple: Since it's just semen and an egg that makes the embryo which soon becomes a fetus, one must assume that the semen and egg are both half a soul. So, every time that you murder a murderer, you are committing a mass genocide. In fact, a dead skin cell has the same genetic potential as the stem cells that the Christian right so abhor: so, every time that they scratch their noses, they've murdered so many innocent souls that we ought to kill them. Eye for an eye, and such.

Ridiculous reasoning and pathetic logic weaved so tightly into our laws that it's a noose wrapped around any non-Christian's neck. It's a damn shame, but our country's laws seem to be 'Christian ideals first, everyone else better deal with it because this a Christian country ruled by GOD'. Gay marriage pops up, and now it's one of the biggest 'issues' because a bunch of hetero Christians can't deal with the thought of the 'sanctity of marriage' being disrupted. Abortion pops up, and instead of it being the decision of the pregnant woman, it's the decision of a bunch of impotent, balding old men scrutinizing their bibles for political equality.

I think that sums up my distaste for this whole 'Christian Republicans own our country' thing. I would hope that America would at least -try- to pretend that it wasn't completely owned by the bible, but sadly...eh, I think they just don't give a shit anymore. If that ten commandments case had come up in the last year or so, they probably would have been allowed to keep them out in front of that court house.

So...I'm pro-choice....but I am pro death penalty, because I do think that if someone kills someone else, we should be able to kill them right back. I'm not a fan of religion being anywhere but in church...and sadly, these decisions are nothing more than bible thumpers having a field day.

Believe me, if they discovered a forgotten page of the bible that stated 'the only judge be God, and thy shalt not murder a murderer, as that is a judgmental move', they would throw this pro death penalty thing right out the window and pretend that they never said anything of the sort, or say that the devil tried to trick them, but their faith moved them to change.

So...that's my rambling wall-o-text for the day. It probably made no sense; it's been a while.

In Topic: Dream Team is now recruiting

22 December 2007 - 04:22 AM

QUOTE(Icey Defeat @ Dec 21 2007, 11:40 PM) View Post
I WAS a female happy.gif

And I WHINE like a female... ohmy.gif

Is that a chao I see thar? happy.gif I like chao, heh.

In Topic: Advent Calendar 2007 Daily Items List

21 December 2007 - 05:27 AM

I really like the seasonal wings ^-^

But I'm still kicking myself over missing the free Christmas pb....gah.

In Topic: Time's Person of the Year - Vladimir Putin.

20 December 2007 - 03:29 PM

I won't lie: I love Russia, and I love Putin. There's a strong desire in my heart to leave America and go to Russia, regardless of how much 'better' America may or may not be. I love the accent, I love the weather....bah, I love Russia in general happy.gif

Putin is stern, but I'd rather my leader be completely serious and ready to follow up what he says than be the bumbling, retarded clown that no one but the biggest of morons still think can get it done. A leader doesn't -need- charm and humor; that's just something that the masses gorge themselves on every four years instead of focusing on politics. If we'd grabbed our leader in 2000 based on political sense instead of charm, we wouldn't be sitting on a massive debt with child care being pinned down, illegal immigration being the 'biggest' issue, a disaster that was handled terribly, and a war that we went to on false information.

Gimme Putin over Bush any day dry.gif When I first heard about Putin's move in Iran, I felt like saying 'Oh snap!'. Bush sat there blubbering and stuttering and trying to gear the country for war on false info -again-, and Putin just stepped in and, amazingly, -spoke- to Iran without threatening them. Awesome how that works.

...I really don't like politics >.>