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Member Since 08 Aug 2007
Offline Oct 06 2008 05:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Wah! ...I got better

18 December 2007 - 11:02 AM

sad.gif Alexei and Rose both died today. I was cleaning out their respective fish tanks, and after waiting a bit for the chlorine to leave and putting in the tablets to make the water safer, I put them back in. Then, not more than five minutes ago, they both died. I'm still looking into it, but I think that the public water system might have been changed (some towns are notorious for pumping chemicals into their water to make it healthier and tastier to people) which could have killed them. I'm thinking about replacing Alexei, but I'm also looking into better water replacement methods...I might get my betta a shrimp friend to help keep the tank clean for longer, too.

At any rate, it made me very sad....Rose died first, and when I looked over, Alexei was staring at me and he was struggling to keep afloat. It's so corny, but he died looking at me for help >.> I'm surprised at how sad I am about them dying...

Cute with Chris

04 December 2007 - 05:22 PM

...Okay, so a friend of mine decided to show me this...and I got hooked on it. It's very strange...and honestly, I could put this in jokes or media, but I'll follow the 'media in general chat section' crowd tongue.gif

Anyone else stumble upon strangely amusing online shows?

I like this article

28 November 2007 - 06:51 AM


The most damning indicators of national decline are upon us. We have watched an oligarchy rise to take economic and political power. The top 1 percent of the population has amassed more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined, creating economic disparities unseen since the Depression. If Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes president, we will see the presidency controlled by two families for the last 24 years.

Chris Hedges...bah, a guilty pleasure, maybe? I don't know; I enjoy reading his articles, though.

I want to know what everyone thinks: Is America dying?

Destroying the world...

11 November 2007 - 04:43 AM

Honestly, the world sucks. Adults are too busy trying to get rich, which leads to heavy corruption, scandal, and failure governments. Kids are too busy watching TV and playing games.

When the adults die, they'll leave the kids with a ruined system to work through, but since the adults never bothered to state how the corruption system works (they would lose their corrupt advantage, after all), the kids would be forced to trash the system and start anew. They would pick a good system that benefits everybody....until everybody starts having kids.

The kids, now with kids of their own, would start to grow greedy. They want their own kids to grow up to be the best, so they would leak corruption into the system to benefit their own family.

Eventually, the system would be just as corrupt, and the kids of the kids would inherit it.

In order to stop this endless cycle, why not just blow it up? We can get the corrupt parents to do it by telling Bush that Iran is about to launch nukes at us. He'll nuke Iran, which would make the Middle East launch their nukes, inadvertantly hitting the UK, who would launch nukes at all of Europe in a fit of rage, which would make Russia start nuking everybody, until finally the US just launches all of their nukes, thus ending the world.

Discuss how you think the world will end

Don't sleep when you're on duty

11 November 2007 - 04:30 AM


"I hate guards who fall asleep on the job and don't perform their duty."

This just happened today, apparently....a bit extreme, but I suppose some people don't have self control.

Anyone else have some interesting news articles?

On a side note, I would like to discuss the human mind. More specifically, what triggers some of us to look at that as the wrong way to deal with the situation, but -obviously- seems like the right thing to do to others?

The brain is odd, and I like talking about it. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't permit good topic starting this early...dry.gif