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Member Since 21 Jun 2004
Offline Dec 14 2004 09:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: LEGALTEAM :)

01 October 2004 - 12:46 PM

Very funny, considering glurak there is lots of programmers and they are going to pay just for you two to stop? I know they wont give you shit. But you could get in serious shit if you get caught, blackmailing neopets is the worst thing to do moron.
Reasons why neo_grl would get pwned is all of her information is released. It would be just a si'mple copy/paste to pwn her ;)

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Its not blackmailing by any means and you are the first to even say such so you can take your creative little mind back to the hole you came from.


antihero stoping you would just mean changing the url.

In Topic: LEGALTEAM :)

30 September 2004 - 06:46 PM

how is that backstabbing? every program I've ever given to the people I've given to neopets and telling them how to stop that program.

In Topic: LEGALTEAM :)

30 September 2004 - 06:41 PM

if they wish to pay enough?they are gonna pay u to stop?
.....awesome o.O

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they aren't going to pay me to stop, they are going to pay me to make you be ineffective.

In Topic: Some stuff for you caring people

16 September 2004 - 02:47 AM


In Topic: Your first internet alias

31 August 2004 - 11:41 AM

First Alias was on Yahoo because that's the first major site I started going to.
In order

Squirrel - Yahoo Game/Chat Name
Leblitzer - Yahoo Game/Programming Name
Nautica. - Yahoo Game/Chat Name
Glurak - Neopets Crap
Mystical - Neopets Crap