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Member Since 21 Jun 2004
Offline Dec 14 2004 09:44 PM

Topics I've Started


30 September 2004 - 06:25 PM

Look at that email I just got ;) I like neo_grl but I was pissed off at her when I sent the orginal e-mail but I'll still help them stop the drama if they wish to pay enough :)

To everyone please read don't reply.

31 August 2004 - 12:53 AM

To codex

I am Mystical, I've seen both sides of the battle and I continue to battle with myself on whos side to choose.

I respect Neo_Grl because she is a very good programmer. If you atleast can not admit that then don't ever mention her
name agian. Neo_Grl has directly I'mpacted the whole community like no one before her. She deserves respect for being a
programmer thats final. If you can't show her the respect from now on, as a programmer, then treat me the same as you treat

As an administrator some of her decisions have been uncalled for, yet so have many of your(as a whole) acbecauseations agianst
her. An eye for an eye as the Bible says. I will do my part in seeing this comes to an end. I'm fairly certain that if this
community closes the subject. Neo_grl will happly drop any and all thoughts about codex and its members. If you wish for her
to mellow out do the same, from here on out don't mention her. If she does something you don't like get over it, we all do
things others don't like.

Its natural and healthy to vent out your anger and dissatisfaction but please do it in a becoming mannor.

I don't know or care who was/is attacking Neo_Grl/NeoTwist but if you are one of them, would you kindly stop right now and
not do it agian. Both communities can flurrish as both have but neither have reached their potential growth rate. Frankly if
I was new and came to either site and seen all the active topics about 1 event/person I wouldn't come back. I wouldn't even
think about coming back. Please let your actions & topics about the subject end now. So if not for everyone already at the
sites, do it for new wave of people. Thank you for your ti'me Mystical.

To neotwist

I am Mystical, I've seen both sides of the battle and I continue to battle with myself on whos side to choose.

I am sick and tired of seeing acbecauseations agianst codex, its members, and its leaders. For one I know both the staff at codex
and Neo_Grl. I've heard it from both sides that they would rather the bullcrap just die off then continue like this. Neotwist
is a very nice place to come to and its members are very lucky to have Neo_Grl as their programmer(any site would be). Codex
has all the same qualities as neotwist(with the exception of Neo_Grl). I enjoy going to both sites and I know many members
from both sites. Its hard for me to talk to many people right now just because of one person. The really sad part is that
90% of the people who act childishly don't have a clue what they are fighting about. The other 9.9% only think they know what
they are fighting about. The last .1% are the staff at codex and neo_grl herself. Please obide by their wishes and let it come
to an end.

Its natural and healthy to vent out your anger and dissatisfaction but please do it in a becoming mannor.

I don't know if any of you are or were Dosing Codex but if so, would you kindly stop right now and not do it agian. Both
communities can flurrish as both have but neither have reached their potential growth rate. Frankly if I was new and came to
either site and seen all the active topics about 1 event/person I wouldn't come back. I wouldn't even think about coming
back. Please let your actions & topics about the subject end now. So if not for everyone already at the sites, do it for new
wave of people. Thank you for your ti'me Mystical.

A few Honest Questions

27 August 2004 - 12:10 AM

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Where do you hope to see yourself in 20 years?
Now sit back in your chair and honestly analyze your life. Decide if what you are doing right now is making your life go in the right direction. If its not write down everything that is good and everything that is bad. Then on all the bad stuff write down how you are going to fix it.
Now if you are truely honest do you think you will achieve everything you want to be and do?


I'll reply after I've thought about this stuff.

*Sorry for the word shit but its the word I choose to use*
1 or 2 kids
A better day every day
My own business
To have my own statue somewhere
Not to have to put of with this shit
No smoking
Be kinder and humble
Talk to my family and not resent them or think of them as lower specs of shit in the world because they are all redneck idiotic dipshits that don't deserve my company.
*I don't see them as equals to me. I don't see most people as equals to me. I know its bad and that I shouldn't do that but its the way I am. If that offends you I am truely sorry.*
That last part was in no means as a put down to all of you people or anyone else in the world I'm just being honest.

Odd Picture!

25 August 2004 - 07:36 PM

I really don't know what to say but look left.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone

07 August 2004 - 09:25 PM

I've not been on for 3 weeks, I think. So what's been going on in the whole little neopets communities?