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Member Since 12 Dec 2009
Offline Dec 13 2009 04:48 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Is it unfair for the guys to get blame for everything?

12 December 2009 - 10:05 PM

Jcr has long hair AND moobs! hes like getting the best of both worlds....lol

I definitely have him beat in the hair department. Shit's past my shoulders. XD

I guess both guys and girls makes mistake, here in this topic you dont find anyone apologizing and feeling bad for themselves, why is this so? Because we never feel that we had ever done something wrong in this place

Can we just blame humanity itself for its rampant stupidity and absurd emotional shenanigans? The truth is both guys and gals are messed up beyond belief, but most of the time in different ways.

In Topic: What's the last thing you ate?

12 December 2009 - 09:36 PM


In Topic: hey lets play a game

12 December 2009 - 09:33 AM

LOL yeah I noticed that about 30 seconds after I posted it. My bad. :p

In Topic: HIV-positive NZ man infects wife with needle

12 December 2009 - 09:16 AM

Mainly because I can see and play Devil's advocate. I didn't defend the attack but saw the motive behind it and made a rational decision based on this account. Obviously if it was an act of revenge then the attack would call for a different punishment, but as the man was scared and upset; he was forced into a difficult postion and made the wrong choice.

I'm calling bullshit on you being a PC Oaken. Any bambi could easily figure this out on this type of case. Either that, GMP have some shit officers. (Or you're some shitty wannabe like a Railway enforcement officer lol.)

That's true, but to claim it is a murder is like claiming that getting lung cancer off second hand smoke is a murder charge.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you'd think it would at least qualify as an assault of some kind. Stabbing someone with a needle that is. O_o

In Topic: Murderer BEGS for the death sentence

12 December 2009 - 09:11 AM


Wow....i knew it was full of crap but not that much crap.

There's worse. For instance, the Song of Songs, which is pretty much the ancient equivalent of pornography.

Stabbings, suicides, "suicides," etc. When you have a population that's heavy in criminals, chances are good that crimes will occur.

Especially when they have nothing left to lose.