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Member Since 12 Dec 2009
Offline Dec 13 2009 04:48 PM

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hey lets play a game

12 December 2009 - 09:31 AM

Alrighty! Time to play the Word-Association-Game. You have all probably played it or something similar at some point in your internet careers, but just in case, here's how it works.

Poster 1: Lemon
Poster 2: Lemonade
Poster 3: Acidic
Poster 4: Reflux
Poster 5: Throat
Poster 6: Deep
Poster 7: Inappropriate


So basically someone posts a word, then the next poster posts the first word that comes to mind after reading the previous post.

Ok so ready? Here we go!


introductions are metal

12 December 2009 - 08:40 AM

Posted Image

ZOMG you guys are so screwed! I'm going to report you all - just kidding haha.

Hi, my name is John and it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm a brand new neopets player, but am a fast learner. Definitely looking forward to being an active and productive member of this community once I learn the ropes.

As far as interests go, music is a huge part of who I am. I've been making music of some kind or another since I was a toddler. My parents would take me to these little kid music classes and we'd bang on drums and **** like that. Playing guitar for 6+ years, playing piano since 1st grade, and am pretty good on a bunch of other instruments as well. I'm currently playing rhythm guitar and vocals for a black metal band, and loving every second of it. Although metal is where my heart lies, I'm into a LOT of other styles of music, and if not can usually appreciate the talent, skill, and hard work put into making it. I'm also heavily interested in audio production, and am about to start college to get a degree in Audio Engineering. Despite looking like a shaggy rocker, I'm actually a geek at heart. I am fascinated by computers, even though I'm not terribly advanced with them. I love video games, usually of the RPG, FPS, or RTS variety. I can't wait for Mass Effect 2, Diablo 3, and Starcraft 2 to come out. I wish they'd remake the original Command and Conquer: Red alert series so I could run it on Windows 7. My current games of choice are Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Oblivion, Halo 3, Borderlands, Pokemon Ruby, and of course, Neopets. My favorite game of all time is Dragon Warrior III (old school much?). I love graphic novels, my favorite being the Preacher series. I hang out with a bunch of Anime/Manga lovers, yet have very limited knowledge of the subject. I'm a right brained non-linear thinker who hates the system but realizes the only way to cause change on a massive scale is to infiltrate society from within and change things from the inside out. I'm extremely creative, and think way too much. I have a tendency to be too spontaneous for my own good, but am working on improving myself in that aspect. This post is probably too long. I'll end it here.

So basically, I'm excited to be here, and look forward to some awesome times with you all.