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Member Since 02 Apr 2010
Offline Dec 08 2010 12:20 PM

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In Topic: marijuana

20 April 2010 - 06:55 AM

It all boils down to personal choice and responsibility.

I've never smoked weed before and doubt if I ever will (I'm about to turn 26 in a couple months, so far so good) but its laws like this that show the federal government has WAY too much power than they should.

For instance, two of my best friends grew up in homes where their parents smoked regularly and the kids even knew about it from a young age. Twenty years later, neither one of those friends smoke weed and one of them hasn't even tried it at all. (As a side note, both of the families are stand up people, they each own their own business so it isn't like they're social rejects or anything.)

Another example; I grew up around a liquor store that my grandparents owned. From the age of five my brother and I would occasionally stay their after school while my parents worked. I have seen some of the worst cases you could imagine. There was one guy who would drive his riding lawnmower up to the store just to get a drink b/c his license was indefinitely suspended and quite a few other people stumble out of the store.

At five years old I clearly saw that something was wrong with these people and that I didn't see people slurring their words and stumbling around Toys R Us or at the grocery store. I only saw those kinds of people at my family's liquor store. So I put it together in my mind that I was gonna stay away from it then.

To this day, neither my older brother nor myself would consider ourselves drinkers. We do it socially, once every 2 or 3 months but other than that we could care less about it even though we could readily get booze if we wanted. I had my first drink at 23 and my brother had his at 25, in case you were wondering.

The appeal of alcohol / drugs and the allure of doing something "BAD" just wasn't there for either of us. We had no interest at all and still don't.

I'm walking proof that if marijuana was legalized we wouldn't turn into a nation of stoners overnight, and I'm sure there are many more people out there like me, and even if they do decide to smoke they would do it responsibly.

Sure, every once in a while we are going to see an irresponsible idiot do something stupid. Drunk driving happens regularly to this day.

But it is a necessary evil for freedom; we shouldn't give up the freedom just because the minority out there is going to abuse it. And by minority I mean people with addictive personalities.

In Topic: Better late than never!

19 April 2010 - 09:01 AM

26 y/o = 26 years old

And of course I love MJ. He is arguably the greatest entertainer ever! Posted Image
Unfortunately I never got a chance to see him perform live, that would have been awesome.

In Topic: Hookah

19 April 2010 - 08:11 AM

Man, hookah is great and I'm not even a smoker; I've tried smoking cigarettes in the past but I kept getting sinus infections from them so I said screw it, it's not worth it.

But hookah is different, the smoke is lighter and not harsh like cigarettes are.

My buddy was stationed in Iraq and bought a really nice hookah for a couple hundred bucks; its a beast with two hoses and gold set in it. He brought it out at another friend's deployment party- first time I ever smoked hookah. We had Coca-Cola flavored shisha. Very nice. Posted Image

Another friend of ours at the party who never smoked anything (not even a cigarette) tried it as well. Pretty soon he was taking the deepest hits out of all of us, despite us warning him not to. But his ego got the best of him and he payed for it the next day; he couldn't even talk his throat was so sore. We all had a good laugh about it later though.

In Topic: Does anyone still SS?

14 April 2010 - 05:35 AM

If your list is too simple then you will most likely get frozen easily.

When I make my list, I research the game to see what the minimal scores are to make 1000 NP and then I'll play the game once to get an idea how long it will take to achieve that score.

I don't always send scores that will net me 1000 points from one game either, I mix it up.

And don't send scores using a set time. If TNT sees that you consistently score 800 points on a game in 3 minutes every time you play it, that looks suspicious cuz it's too perfect and automated.

Adjust your time anywhere from 2:58 - 4:35 minutes that way it won't be the same every SS and still be in a believable amount of time.

And tweak your score list a little every day; add another game to the list and bump up a few scores to break the pattern.

Oh, and make sure your SSer has a shuffle function. That way you don't play the games in the same order every time you send the list.

In Topic: Am I crazy? Or just plain outright gay?!

14 April 2010 - 02:59 AM

Why don't you just name your car Bruce and be done with it?