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Member Since 02 Apr 2010
Offline Dec 08 2010 12:20 PM

Topics I've Started

12:24 NST Just woke Turmaculus

26 April 2010 - 11:25 AM

Title pretty much says it all so I'm giving everyone a heads up.


Better late than never!

19 April 2010 - 08:49 AM

Well I finally gotten around to do this. I've been posting around the boards a bit already but I never properly introduced myself, I blame my laziness. :D

A little bit about me... I'm a 26 y/o dude from Southeast U.S. Currently I'm a mechanical engineering student and I have recently started to dabble in programming thanks to a Programming for Engineers class I'm taking. I've been working with Java and Python mostly and I tried to teach myself C++ quite a few years ago but couldn't wrap my head around it then, lol.

I've also worked a couple of years as a CNC machinist (AutoCAD and Siemens).

My personal interests are anime, paintball, mountain biking, music (used to play rhythm guitar for a local prog-metal band before I started college).

Neopets, like the music and movies made in the 80s, is a guilty pleasure of mine. I got started because my niece and younger cousin played and it was an easy way to keep in touch with them since they both live out of state. Now thats just my excuse why I play, I'm hooked. Even if they grow out of it I'm gonna be the uncle that still plays the kid's game, lol...