and lucky last.....

Hi and welcome
A little bit about me... well ok, here goes.
I'm a 39yo male from Australia, married and have three wonderful boys. Ok, enough about my personal shit, on to the Codex side of things....
I joined Neocodex back in October, 2010 after being frozen for flash game cheating on my original main from back in 2000. Pissed as I was about the freezing, I joined here in the hopes of sticking it to TNT and their bullshit ways. I quickly made a bunch of good mates here (and am glad to still call them mates now ) and went from regular member to Retired in just over a year. Loving the programs and the community, I was eventually approached by the Admins and asked if I would consider a position here as a moderator and soon enough, Admin *WIN*
I've learned a lot of helpful things in my time as a Moderator/Admin and am fortunate to have formed a great bond with the rest of the staff/members. I'll truly miss being an Administrator of Neocodex but I'll never ever leave
If you need any help with ANYTHING to do with the site or just want to chat in general, always feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to accommodate your needs
10 February 2024 - 07:54 PM
and lucky last.....
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