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Member Since 09 Nov 2010
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Blog Entries

Rocket's Blog > Why am I so scared?

Posted 15 October 2015

Why am I so scared to start dating? 
More so, why does it have to be so hard to go out and meet people? I'm an introvert, being in large groups or big social situations is not me. I don't like going to bars or clubs or whatever it is you cool kids do these days. 
Why am I so scared of joining a dating site? Like a legit dating site? I was on fuc...

Rocket's Blog > Meet Nemo

Posted 20 July 2015

So over the weekend I adopted a new kitten. Frodo needed a new friend since Sam disappeared so I went out looking Friday after work.
I go to a local shelter which is overflowing with kittens atm, I walk in and see this sweet little baby laying there. I start petting him and he purrs instantly. I pick him up and HE ONLY HAS 3 LEGS! I don't care, he's cute...

Rocket's Blog > Hopping on the Bandwagon.. bored

Posted 01 June 2015

1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3.5 - I'm not afraid to admit that I like a little light, so much so I'm glad there is a streetlight right outside my room.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
No one in particular - I'd meet almost anyone if I wasn't a hermit...

Rocket's Blog > Roadtrip

Posted 21 September 2014

So most of you may know I went on a roadtrip in August, and being the procrastinator I am, I haven't uploaded any pics yet. So here it goes:

Our route was:
Oregon > Idaho > Montana > Wyoming > South Dakota > Wyoming > Montana > Idaho > Washington > Oregon (3000 miles and 10 days)

Our final destination was South Dakota...

Rocket's Blog > My Adventure with Ketosis

Posted 18 September 2014

So there really isn't any other way to say this... I'm overweight and have pretty much struggled my entire life with it. I go up and down and up and down, and it's not healthy. I started The Biggest Loser Competition in hopes of having other people trying to lose weight, to help motivate myself. I did ok, but I didn't do as good as I could have and I didn...