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Member Since 26 Aug 2011
Offline Dec 07 2011 11:44 PM

Topics I've Started

This is seriously screwed up.

17 October 2011 - 07:22 AM

I came upon this news just earlier today, and I thought I would share it because it sounded so unbelievable. Even animals do not deserve to be treated with such callousness and disregard. Linked footage is somewhat graphic and NSFW, so watch at your own discretion. English captions available. Please press the CC button to view.


For those who are unable to stomach watching the clip, below are several links of news reports covering this incident:






Hi, everyone.

17 October 2011 - 06:43 AM

First of all, I'm not exactly new, having signed up a few months back. I have just never taken the time to introduce myself until now, but better late than never, right?

So hello, guys and girls. I'm paws, and it's really nice to meet everyone. =)

Like the majority of the members here, I joined NeoCodex mainly for access to Abrosia and Neopoint Generator. I also make use of the Item Database extensively when I do manual RSing and am quite thankful to have stumbled upon this community by chance. Seriously, you guys have made gaming on Neopets so much more convenient and easier for me.

Initially, I had no intention to participate in the forum but somehow ended lurking around all the same, much to my surprise (and bafflement). Status updates are always entertaining to scroll through (intentionally and/or unintentionally), and I realized that there are a lot of interesting people from different walks of life in here. So here's to getting to know some of you. I'd probably still be in ninja mode most of the time because I usually subscribe to the adage of not saying anything if one has nothing good to say, but I think I will try to be more active around here from now on.

Looking forward to see everyone around!