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Member Since 24 Jan 2012
Offline Sep 08 2012 10:08 AM

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In Topic: Femininity sucks.

01 September 2012 - 01:11 PM

Feminist here.

If I'm reading your arguments correctly, what you're essentially arguing is that femininity is bad because the traits you associate with femininity aren't traits that develop under the normal means that other personality traits develop under, whether those traits be inherent (genetic) or developed under social influences that don't include patriachal ones.

Femininity would be defined by passivity, succorance, sensitivity, empathy, naivette, weakness, "being emotional", being "intuitive", submissiveness, compassion, and gentleness.

So if femininity is unnatural, are you arguing that women are, by nature, active, cold, lacking in empathy, wise, strong, unemotional, disintuitive, dominant, lacking in compassion, and rough? Are these the "normal" traits that patriarchy has conditioned us out of?

Is it natural or unnatural for a man to possess these (feminine) traits?

In Topic: Should Schools Start Teaching Meditation to Students?

01 September 2012 - 12:44 PM

No, because having citizens that know how to manage stress and regulate their own emotions is in the best interests of the state.

Guiding children through basic meditation for ten minutes or so every day isn't a huge addition to a teacher's workload. I'm pretty confident any teacher with even a modicum of competence would be able to handle it. It's probably one of the easier facets of a teacher's job because the children are actually quiet, and beneficial to the teacher themself if they participate.

You say a teacher's responsibility is to teach, but like it or not, we've created a society where a huge bulk of a child's formative experiences occur in educational institutions. The idea that separating the rearing of a child and the education of a child is fanciful at best when a child's education consists of hundreds of hours spent in a social setting outside of their home, and the job of creating a healthy, educated, responsible adult cannot help but be shared between the parent and the state.

In Topic: What is your neo-goal?

01 September 2012 - 12:29 PM

My goals are to get 10 mil NP so I can upgrade to the highest interest level earning bank account, then earn enough more to buy the full secret lab map and zap my Ogrin Robot. Paint my Cybunny Rainbow. Then after that, I'll start saving up for my Eventide Draik.

In Topic: Long distance...anyone else have experience? :/

01 September 2012 - 12:13 PM

I have no personal experience with long distance relationships, but I wouldn't even begin to consider one unless the person I was with was so absolutely, mind-bogglingly, amazingly spectacular that I was fairly certain I'd want to marry him, and there were no other options. Then I would give it a shot. Even then, I might think of breaking it off but staying friends in hopes that our paths cross again would be a better option.

From your description of your relationship, it's probably not going to work.

In Topic: Should Schools Start Teaching Meditation to Students?

01 September 2012 - 12:09 PM

Yes, I'm really glad schools are picking this up. Meditation isn't done for meditation's sake. It's a tool for emotional self-regulation/stress management and promoting greater self-awareness, skills that are important for children to learn if they're going to become productive citizens. Numerous studies have shown that meditation has a whole host of social and health benefits. Spending a few minutes a day on meditation in schools would go a long way to increasing society's mental health.