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Member Since 24 Jan 2012
Offline Sep 08 2012 10:08 AM

Topics I've Started

This is an introduction.

21 February 2012 - 05:38 PM

Hello there. I've been using the programs provided on this site for about a month and a half now, beginning when I rediscovered Neopets through some shared nostalgia with a friend. I played for about two years when I was younger and had a series of accounts on which I never managed to make very many NPs, although I did manage to obtain the Lab Ray on one account (only to have it frozen for not playing nice with the other kids on the Neoboards.) Some of my various other accounts were frozen under what my young mind considered mysterious circumstances due to my tendency to troll and be a little brat, although I still view TNT's inability to specify exactly how I violated the rules an injustice. Anyway, I started playing again and decided to cheat out of a sense of bitterness, but got first new 3-week-old account quickly iced when I failed to use the Score Sender properly. The account I created subsequently is now about 20 days old and work around 400k. I prefer to think of myself as a very casual player now, but have begun to enjoy some of the flash games again in spite of myself and experience a certain odd sense of satisfaction at the amount I've managed to make using a combination of legitimate and illegitimate methods.

I'm 20 years old. I'm an atheist and a feminist and I tend to do things like browse r/atheism and refer to "the patriarchy" with a straight face, though I hardly enjoy discussing politics over the Internet. In fact, I tend to hate it, but sometimes I can't help myself. I'm currently in a relationship of seven months (well, not counting the other three...) I like movies, books and video games, time-wasting activities and little games for my Android phone. I also enjoy learning a lot, though unfortunately I'm in between schools at the moment following a stressful first year adjusting to the real world after twelve years of being homeschooled and incredibly sheltered. I'd like to think I can play better with the other kids now, though there is an aggressive component to my personality, both online and off, and we all know what the Internet does to civilized people. I'm prone to existentialist navel-gazing. I'd love some friends to gawk aimlessly with over IM, e-mail, IRC or almost any electronic means of communication you prefer.