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Member Since 25 Jun 2012
Offline Aug 19 2012 06:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I have more Neopoints than you.

21 July 2012 - 03:53 PM

I came here to day, "No you don't," and apparently I was right.

Off topic, but...
Is that your hoodie in that pic? It's cute; did you make it yourself?

In Topic: I have more Neopoints than you.

21 July 2012 - 02:05 PM

Someone got glitched before and they - 1 mil before...

I hope that doesn't happen to poor little kids playing legit.

Did TNT fix it, or did the person just have to go on with life?

In Topic: Guild with housemates??

11 July 2012 - 01:31 PM

But the crappy thing is I would like to be able to send each other nice gifts too, but I guess I'll just have to skip that.

I think it would be fine if this thread was in Neopet General Chat


Yeah I should have posted it there, but I just figured this wouldn't really interest many others for the actual game. Thanks for moving it though!

In Topic: Have you ever broke up with your best friend?

10 July 2012 - 03:40 PM

Oh my lord. I have been going through this same crap with one of my demoted-to-just-friend best friend for like twelve years, no joke. I feel like a child about the whole thing too ugh. I have always been a kind of privately creative person, but throughout the years I've had to stop talking to my friend because she pulls all these words and ideals out of my mouth and claims them. It sounds childish, and I know friends are similar, but she takes it overboard. Juicy details might include something like this: one xmas when I was 17 or so, all I wanted was some Christian Dior perfume. My family is dirt poor ugh whatever, and she it loaded in comparison. I made the mistake of mentioning this when we were at the mall. Amazingly xmas rolled around and I didn't get it, but no biggie. Then about 2 months later, I go into her bedroom and she has a giant bottle of it and a gift set. She told me her grandma and mom got them for her. I wasn't jealous, I felt betrayed, almost like she WANTED to rub it in my face that I was poor or whatever. If the situation would have been reversed I would have fucking gave her the gift set...because she was my best friend. I'm 24 now and just now started talking to her again after a 6 month break. I just got tired of her criticizing my political beliefs. My god, she was passive-aggressively talking down to me on my facebook because she was annoyed at my posts. Uhm, it's easy to just ignore them. But for whatever reason, I'm back to my masochistic ways, talking to her again, but I am too old to let this go on anymore so I'm keeping her at a distance. We spent one night hanging out since and miraculously she is on the same diet as me, quoting the same phrases as me. I guess some people never grow up, but I'm at fault here too. I just need to stop thinking that not talking to her for a few months is going to make our relationship better. I can't expect her to change if I don't I suppose, but it still sucks a lot.

In Topic: SOTW #39 Results!

09 July 2012 - 11:47 PM

Thanks for having this contest!! This was my first time making a gif, but the idea popped in my head, and I had to enter even though I was a noob lol. And Turnip, congrats! You put so much work into it. It's really nice!