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Member Since 27 Jul 2012
Offline Dec 09 2012 01:57 PM

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In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

09 September 2012 - 01:04 PM

So I really want to pay for premium but I have been having a lot of issues the last couple days with no error messages to relay. Abrosia will boot and work fine for about 2 mins and then just stop at Visiting shop ******* (*/333). I am not having connection issues, I tried re installing, I tried a restart... I dont know what it could be. I dont know if its worth donating to see if it works better as premi or not. Has anyone had this issue and fixed it by donating?

Note: worked perfectly for a couple weeks, I am a big fan, not trying to rain on any ones parade

edit-- dont worry about, Im going to purchase adv. mem. its just $5... XD

In Topic: New program idea!

31 July 2012 - 08:07 PM

A better idea would be to have a program that runs 3-4 of the smaller programs with adjustable times that records how many neopoints are earned and what RE's occur while it's running. It could run for 2-6 hours without arising much suspicion.

that would be pretty cool, got my vote

The problem is that you'll pretty much be on 24/7. Something that's seriously going to look funny.

yeah you would have to incorporate break in that as well. or just another scheduler like abrosia has

In Topic: New program idea!

31 July 2012 - 07:53 PM

Idk, im not any good with making programs of any sort. But after seeing the ones on the program manager, it seems pretty simply... as long as you have a list of places for it to search at random, and in that list add a few games and 1-2 hour breaks at random without a feature to turn off games and breaks, I dont see how they could get you for it. Unless the break/game/refresh/brows ratio is waaaay off.

But idk, it was just an idea. You all know if its realistic or not better that I do =P

You wouldnt have to earn "much" from it. It would just be something to have running when your out and about or asleep. =D

In Topic: New program idea!

31 July 2012 - 07:19 PM

Right, Ive een using abrosia and It does log random events which I like. But I think if there was a program that just explored, it would be impossible to be frozen cause all your doing is basically refreshing. It may actually be a program people could leave running over night or while at work.

In Topic: *EDITED* Free Working Lists :)

30 July 2012 - 06:53 AM

does the magic shop really stock anything worth while often enough to use a manual list? and If I dont purchase anything with abrosia for hours on hours, is it still recommended to take breaks?

I take back the first question... Ive just missed Pirate Pteri Morphing Potion and Pink Koi Morphing Potion, just started the magic shop search about 3 mins ago. :)