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Member Since 27 Jul 2012
Offline Dec 09 2012 01:57 PM

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New program idea!

31 July 2012 - 06:35 PM

Idk if there is a particular forum for this, I looked around but couldn't find one. Also there could possibly be this program, but I am new and once again couldn't find it.

My idea is a program that just simply explores continuously and logs the random events. Maybe make the program to do a few little things like cheap games or buy an item that i may come across to look less like a program. With this you could set a schedule so it just randomly explores and finds map pieces and what not... what do you think?

This is not a program I could make. I am simply suggesting it to someone so they can make it if they are interested. =)

Im a Noob! Hi!

30 July 2012 - 06:50 AM

Hey everyone. Just starting out here probably for the same reason as everyone else haha. Lost my 3 year old account due to useing multiple accounts for things I shouldnt have. Totally my fault but you would think they would give you a warning before just nixing you... But I guess I should have known better. These tools on this site are just amazing though! I wish I had the patients to create something so powerful and useful... I have been trying out score sender and abrosia for a couple days, and I'm totally in to them! thanks everyone who took time out of your day to share these programs!