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Member Since 21 Jul 2013
Offline Aug 08 2013 09:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Super new to this, can these things get me frozen?

24 July 2013 - 09:27 PM

I saw a topic on freezing and I really don't mean to spam if these questions have already been answered at some point. 

I don't plan on using an autobuyer or any of that, just a few things to make the tedious parts of neopets less irritating. Can neopets tell if you have an autorefresher if it only goes every 30 seconds (recommended time to not get restock banned)? Have people gotten frozen for using the Pyramids game bot? How do these programs avoid getting caught? 

It'd be nice to get a feel for how things work. I hope these questions aren't too played out and I'm super sorry if they are.