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Member Since 30 Apr 2014
Offline May 09 2014 04:26 PM

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In Topic: Buying Neopoints

08 May 2014 - 03:41 AM

Thanks I hope it's not considered a stupid question. I appreciate you giving me this link.

In Topic: Karla's Art Dump Thread

07 May 2014 - 12:14 AM

Haha.. I love Swagsire, very cool...

In Topic: Buying Neopoints

07 May 2014 - 07:10 PM

Yes. Typically, people will transfer NP by transferring Easy To Sell (ETS) items. 

Thanks guys ! makes a lot of sense. 

It's safest to use ETS items, moving a lot of pure through auctions looks suspicious.


I've moved some more common and lower value items through shop sniping (baby pb, PDEs, etc.) and some other items through just giving it to another account. But I think they have flags on the hidden tower stuff so you'll have to be careful and move slowly.

I don't seem to have the TP come up for me yet.

In Topic: Buying Neopoints

04 May 2014 - 07:03 AM

...I already did :p

Cheers  :funone2:

In Topic: Buying Neopoints

04 May 2014 - 07:01 AM

Np's are sold once you gain access to our TP. You need to be active, have 10 non spam posts and stay here a week :)

Depending on the amount you want, you can but an item with a lot of value, such as Gbombs, anagram swords,.. and move those to your main.


There are other ways but I believe this is the most common one.

So, rather than buying NP I'd be buying a valuable item to send to my main?


*whooshes off to NP General Chat*

Eek soz, can this be moved?