I love this one
Even have the trophy lol
Hey! I'm Grazi, a biology student from Brazil. ´ v `
I've been playing neopets for 10 years! Back then the brazilian community used to be HUGE, but nowadays I barely see someone at the neoboards Because of that I'm trying to be part of the en board but i'm kinda shy and sometimes it seems that everyone knows each other there!
I like to play games and to collect avatars (or at least I try to, the random ones hate me). Apart from neopets, stuff that I like are: doctor who, game of thrones, ATLUS games, touhou, overwatch, jjba, love live (I play SIF) and twin peaks!
Is this a proper introduction? I hope so.
mrfloyd hasn't added any friends yet.
03 April 2017 - 06:13 PM
I love this one
Even have the trophy lol
02 April 2017 - 08:22 PM
... I forgot to join a faction for this round.
29 March 2017 - 09:01 AM
Yay another game that i love It brings me back some memories. Wasn't this one of the games for the 2007 DD? Am I wrong? I only recall some of them. I think I still have the prize for beating AAA lol
29 March 2017 - 08:55 AM
Sou brasileira também! Espero poder ajudar caso você precise :>
27 March 2017 - 06:11 PM
Thieves, Brutes, and Sway for this round.
I already have the avatars for that ones. I need Awakened and Seekers. Welp, gonna stick with the majority again!
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