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Generic Nolander

Member Since 03 Oct 2006
Offline Oct 20 2006 10:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: sweatened condensed milk

20 October 2006 - 10:05 PM

Crisis adverted. Resume topic.

In Topic: Rage (Against the Machine!)

20 October 2006 - 09:48 PM

Or better yet, hit him hard square in both his kidneys.

Dont have to be strong to do that.

In Topic: sweatened condensed milk

20 October 2006 - 09:16 PM

Please dont assume that I or my parents are any deal of stupid, foogie. Of course my parents are going to pick up the double meaning in that. And of course they're going to ask me who you are, and not believe a word I say when I tell them you're some random woman.

I honestly dont think you quite get the grasp of public decency - your sex life is your sex life. None of us need to hear about it, or hear your cries of desperation concerning the matter. Codex is not the place for this sort of thing - especially when there's wee kiddies browsing it. Remember, this is a Neopets cheating community. People from the age audience that neopets is built for may very well browse this forum as well as the cheating section. Refrain from corrupting minds, please.

It's pretty damn sad when you consider calling in a mod to oversee a topic about condensed milk because you're worried about it's content 1we8.gif (sorry hawk)

In Topic: Sakura

20 October 2006 - 09:08 PM


Perfect blending - perfect text effects and perfect color harmonics. Not to mention you picked a fantastic render. Whether you found that yourself or cut it yourself, I dont care - it's still barking fantastic.

I completely agree with Zulfi. MOAR!

In Topic: Sasuke vs. Naruto

20 October 2006 - 09:01 PM

I'm sorry, but Urban - I see no difference in style at all between his current and this one.

It's the exact same dimensions, similarities between blending, and the same distorted color palettes he always uses. Beating the same style over and over and over again is not improvement. Experimenting between styles and discovering new ones is. Even if the signature you make with one style is absolutely horrible, criticism from that helps you improve. A perfect example - Look at my first experimenting thread. It's a wreck - just plain horrible. Then from the criticism I obtained from that, I made a second attempt with a style I discovered a few days ago (my current), and I got quite a bit of positive feedback on it.

I tell things like they are. I'm not going to any amount of trouble to spare you the details about what I think of your artworks. I expect other people to do the same. Criticism is there to help people improve. Constantly screaming "IT'S GUD" at people doesnt make them get any better. Now, for some real criticism:

First off, that color palette is horrible. To me, purple and pink don't go very well together. I suggest you google color harmonics and do a bit of reading on art theory. Wikipedia is also a good place to check out art theory - there's tons of it there. I also dont particuarily like your text effects - a part of it appears to be somewhat blended in with the render, and it's hard to read at times. I can also only decioher Naruto from the way you've blended the render. The guy he's fighting doesn't look a thing like Sasuke. Maybe it's the render, or maybe it's the way you blended it. Might want to try posting renders you use in your signatures alongside them in the future - helps with determining how much work has been placed into both. I tell you this time and time again - 1px outer stroke your signatures. PLEASE. There's nothing more annoying than an unstroked signature, there's no excuse not to do it - unless you're making a cutout signature.

Okay? I'm not being mean or anything. I may come across as harsh, but all i'm really trying to do is helping you improve. I'm a pessimist by nature, if that explains things any.