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Generic Nolander

Member Since 03 Oct 2006
Offline Oct 20 2006 10:21 PM

Topics I've Started

More experimenting..new sig

19 October 2006 - 03:38 AM

Taken advice from last experimentation thread - cooked up this. As always, the twopath inverted color nameplate is there, and i've had a gutwrenching experience vectortouching the render. It's considerably more defined than my last piece, and I think the small mix of vector-abstract in the background makes it look quite nice.

A bit iffy about the pastel-white background though - it does go with the hood of Ed's jacket, hence why I chose it. Little emblem up there is to signify that I made it tongue.gif Quite proud of that little thing.

IPB Image


18 October 2006 - 05:49 AM

IPB Image

Experimenting with cross-pathing, round-t style border (god the stroke on that was such a pain) and incorporation of a non-vector style render into a vector style piece.

How does it look? I appreciate honesty - criticism is criticism, hence why I post here.

EDIT: If you're viewing this thread 2 minutes after I made it, I'm currently stabbing GIMP - it fails at erasing things..sheesh
EDIT2: Crisis adverted. However, I fail at positioning text. I'm too tired and GIMP just crashed from an overflow buffer because i've had it open for 9 hours :\ Going to try again tomorrow. Criticise me anyway,

Second Vector Sig

16 October 2006 - 09:58 PM

I took the advice made from previous threads, and my current signature is the end result.

Vector Sig

16 October 2006 - 01:28 AM

I've never attempted one of these before - not in 3 years of gfxing. I've seen them kick off in popularity and I love the design, so I finally decided to try it.

This is in GIMP. I royally barked up the render, the head of the guy is a quick reconstruction. I'm pleased with my font and placement choice, and I tried to replicate a splatter effect with some spark brushing in the background.

Render: http://screenshots.f...rs/renders8.jpg (I would LOVE it if someone could cut and make it transperant for me, i'm terrible at render cutting)

IPB Image


05 October 2006 - 11:49 PM

Yeah, I havent touched a .png file inside GIMP for about, pfft, 8-9 months now. Figured i'd get back into it seeing as there's a bustling graphical community here. Any other GIMP'ers in the house?

Render is from the Zoram Strand in World of Warcraft, I took this during a rare weather event where it was raining over Ashenvale (the forest in the upper right background) and clipping over into Darkshore thus creating the misty effect over Blackfathom Deeps (the ruins in the background).

I believe it's a one in a million occurence, i'd submit this to the screenshot of the day for WoW, but the hand right in the middle of the piece completely ruins it D:

Initial render is here, do whatever you want with it as long as you credit me. (And believe me, i'll know if you dont.)
