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For my first blog entry, 50 Questions.

Posted by Clutch, 09 July 2014 · 813 views

This is my first blog post!

What was your favorite food when you were a child? Oh, I absolutely loved Pizza. I still do, lol.
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Well, I checked, and it's "Blood on the Leaves", by Kanye West. The dude's a beast at rapping.
What is one of your favorite quotes? "If you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? I love basketball, I love to play it and watch it and then play it on the PS4, btw I also like to read. :D
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Cleaning. I get it done, by I just hate it so much.
What is your favorite form of exercise? Basketball.
What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? I love afternoons, Saturdays, and June. Altador Cup and summer cannot be beaten.
What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? I hate the bus.
What is your favorite body part? The arm I guess?
What sound do you love? I love Rap. And the Walking Dead theme song. I'm liable to be happy if I hear either one.
If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for? I'd have a drinking party, it would have alcohol, and be purely for drinking.
If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? There was this waterfall in Hawaii that was just super serene and pretty.
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? 21, I suppose. The last restrictions of my life were finally lifted!
If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently? But it didn't! I was so happy! I guess I'd pay more attention to people around me instead of doing my own thing.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? Definitely LeBron James. It'd be great to learn the game from a true master.
If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? The signing of the Declaration of Independence.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I think it would be cool to learn mind control. But in reality, I'd learn anything Warren Buffet could teach me about making money.
If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? I'd love to be the writer for the next Call of Duty game. I feel if I were doing Ghosts, it would not have sucked nearly as bad, lol.
If you were immortal for a day, what would you do? Be wolverine :ninja:
If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? Gary.
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? I'd love to meet Thomas Jefferson, he's dead. I'd love to meet the NBA player Stephen Curry, he's alive.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? I'd buy the Golden State Warriors. No question about it.
If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be? King Kong, Martini, and Cookie Dough.
If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be? "What are the winning numbers to the Michigan lottery for the next thirty years?"
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Ooh, that's really tough. I'm going to have to go with Howard Wolowitz from the Big Bang Theory.
Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? Definitely Tom Cruise. ;)
What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm in my early 20's, there's still time to be an NBA star!
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Internet.
What would you name the autobiography of your life? "I think I am a God!"
What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? "Blood on the Leaves", by Kanye West. "Till I Collapse", by Eminem. "All along the Watchtower", by various artist, including Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and of course, Bear McCreary, the artist behind the Battlestar Galactica and Walking Dead soundtracks.
Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best? Nope.
What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to? My Senior Prom.
What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up? I always tear up watching the Walking Dead lol. I won't give spoilers but some of those deaths were just sad.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Not crying during the Walking Dead. Seriously, it's sad!
What was the last experience that made you a stronger person? I don't know, tbh.
What did you do growing up that got you into trouble? Lol, I used to want to play a bunch of online games, and my Dad used to get pissed at me. I don't know why lol.
When was the last time you had an amazing meal? Chinatown, San Fransisco, California. 2011. I had the best duck you could have without going to China itself. They make excellent roast duck. :lol2:
What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received? Best gift given: Ray Charles concert tickets, before he died. Worst gift given: a mug. Best gift received: tickets to a Kanye West concert in Chi-town (Chicago). Worst gift received: underwear.
What do you miss most about being a kid? No worries, or responsibilities.
What is your first memory of being really excited? When I found out I was going to Florida to go to Universal Studios for the first time.
What was the first thing you bought with your own money? My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, an album by Kanye West.
When was the last time you were nervous? My last job interview, so about a year ago.
What is something you learned in the last week? Tom Cruise is a Scientologist. I know, where have I been the past ten years, right?
What story does your family always tell about you? When I was in highschool, my history teacher had a guillotine in his room, and I put my head in the hole, and it got stuck. Everyone was taking pictures of it, and the teacher had to go to the Woodshop room and get a screwdriver to take apart the guillotine so I could get out. Needless to say that was the worst twenty minutes of my High School years. Luckily the guillotine wasn't real. :rolleyes:
At what age did you become an adult? I'm still not really an "adult". Real adults don't go around rapping Kanye West songs and fucking up teenagers on the basketball court. My basketball skills are bouncing off the wall compared to those youngins.
Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate. No. You've got a picture of a wall. A plain white wall. It's a fucking wall. I don't think I can think of twenty words to describe a fucking wall.
Where’s Waldo? My basement ;)
The best part of waking up is? Looking forward to going back to sleep.
How now brown cow? Dafuq.
Whasssssuuuupppppp? The sky and gas prices. :rolleyes:

Thank you for reading my first blog post. I decided to be a part of Neocodex after you guys started dominating in ACIX. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. But seriously, this is a really great community, with some excellent people that really seem to treat others like family. Compared to the bunch of circlejerkers on the Neoboards, you guys are awesome. :rolleyes:

If you haven't figured out already, I am a big fan of Basketball, Rap, History, and shows like "The Big Bang Theory", "The Walking Dead", and "Battlestar Galactica". I'm kind of a nerd.

Hopefully you found this somewhat funny or interesting. If you didn't, well I apologize. I hope to put more stuff up soon. :rolleyes:

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