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A-kon 30!

Posted by KaibaSama, 02 July 2019 · 1547 views

a-kon anime convention cosplay

A-kon 30 was this past Thursday-Sunday in Fair Park! I got so many compliments and picture requests for my fem Kaiba, which is odd because I figured it would be my Star Guardian Lux cosplay that'd get more pic requests. I've also started up a FB Cosplay page for me, which is Cosplay Kiki (@CosplayerKiki)! If the image is me as fem kaiba, you've got the right page. My instagram, setsuna_kaiba has also been added to the fb page, and has become my cosplay instagram. I'd change the IG so it goes along with the FB page, but I already told people it's name, so I don't want to change it just yet.


Sadly, A-kon had panels separated by curtains so I couldn't hear my panels if there was another panel shouting. They didn't have much time to plan since they suddenly changed the dates and location. Hopefully next year will be better, and they've already said they're going to announce a new venue.


This year they actually had someone in cosplay repair! She had a sewing machine and a ton of glue guns! Which is great for me since mine jammed and wouldn't work. Usually we just get boxes of random stuff, so it was great having someone in there who knew what they were doing and actually had supplies.


I wish I lived closer to Texas though since there's always a ton of conventions down in that area.


IG: https://www.instagra.../setsuna_kaiba/
FB: https://www.facebook.../CosplayerKiki/


Fem Kaiba:
Sadly my blue contacts rolled up so I couldn't wear them. Posted Image
Star Guardian Lux:
You can't tell but I do have violet contacts in
Posted Image

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