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Quitting Smoking pt. 5

Posted by Yung, 20 May 2013 · 1649 views

quitting smoking habit blah blah blah
Today was the easiest day by far since I've quit. Getting all that 'gotta keep busy, gotta stay focused' yesterday helped tremendously.

Thanks for the support I've been receiving... I know I can be an annoying twat sometimes thanks for bearing with me.

I had a piece of gum earlier just to curb my cravings, I ate less today, and was much calmer than normal. I don't reek of smoke anymore which is kinda weird. I guess I'm just used to the smell.

When I was out and about earlier there was a guy smoking and I thought I'd break and ask to bum a smoke from him but I didn't. It was hard to resist that simple temptation but as I got closer to him (he was standing between me and the door to go in) I found that I didn't need a cigarette as badly as I'd thought and I walked around him.

So... it's been progress. I feel happier now. Today was an easier day but it was still rough at times.

I felt like crying at one point I was craving a smoke so bad. I need to find something to hold, maybe a crayon?

A kazoo.

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A kazoo, really?

Why do you hate me?
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If you have any spare smokes, and are tempted to use em... Buy a whole fish and put em in it's mouth! It looks so funny LOOOL

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I don't have any. I'd smoke them.
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I smoked a pack a day from 11 to 25, I quit outright and I didn't have any 'withdrawal' symptoms. 

It's all psychological, you don't need patches/gum/e-cigs or anything to quit.

Good luck though. Welcome to the non-smokers world where all food tastes better :3

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I think it depends on your brain, Kiwi, some people's brain chemistry just happen to be more susceptive to addiction. I'm addicted to caffeine and can't quit, my head will explode if I'm even an hour late getting my shot, but my cousin used to drink it every day and one day she just stopped and nothing happened -_-


(btw keep on going , Yung :D )

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No offense... But it's weird as hell that I stumbled upon this while smoking a cig o.o

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No offense... But it's weird as hell that I stumbled upon this while smoking a cig o.o


Offense taken, no worries. ;)

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this is so crazy... i was actually just thinking about starting a log like this. But i wanted to do mine on a a anonymous blog or something

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this is so crazy... i was actually just thinking about starting a log like this. But i wanted to do mine on a a anonymous blog or something

Go for it. ;)
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My Nan just recently quit and she found that getting a small plastic tube just to have in her hand and occasionally take a drag of was a relief despite the fact that she wasn't getting anything out of it.

When my boss quit he ate like 20 dumdum lollipops a day.


But I think I would side with Kiwi on an issue like needing to have something to hold, it would be better to cut it off without any crutches.


Goodluck with the rest of your endeavor.

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I just quit recently, last week. I've replaced smoking with exercising so it's been working out for me so far! Probably it's easier for me because I've only smoked cigarettes for about a year.

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