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Why so disappoint?

Posted by DasBear, 22 May 2014 · 1056 views

a slap in the face
I remember about a year before I left my restaurant job, I had a customer literately come in 20 minutes before closing and begged us to let him sit down to eat quickly. A server comes into the kitchen and asks if I would make him ____ and he would be eternally grateful. We had already started shutting down for the night, but I made an exception.

So, I had my cooks continue to break down the kitchen for clean up as I made his medium-rare steak with salsa verde, which was accompanied by sauteed potatoes, carrots and parsnips. I plated and put the dish up in the window. Then went to go help out my staff with the clean up and start inventory. Suddenly a server asks if I had a moment. "Oh boy" I thought, I hope there wasn't any issue with the food. I walked out onto the floor and said hello, as he greeted me back and continued to look past me into the kitchen. I stood there for a moment, then asked if there was something I could help him with. The customer replied, "Yes, I'm waiting on the Chef so I can thank him for this lovely meal." I stood there in front of him with my black chef's coat. It had the restaurants name, my name and title of Executive Chef beneath it. I smiled and said, "Yes, that would be me." Well, his face changed as if someone was playing some sort of prank on him and he looked me up and down quickly. Instead of apologizing he says, "I thought you were a guy, since only men can cook steaks that good. You did a great job by the way, the wife will be so surprised when she finds out your a woman. Maybe you can come teach the wife a few things." I was visibly annoyed as he stood up and pat me shoulder like some 4 year old kid. The server who had quietly watched from the edge of the kitchen (its open concept), quickly walked over and snatched the tip up from the table. He walked right over to the customer who was just about to leave and held the door open for him. Just as he stepped out, Zach says to the customer, "You forgot this, goodbye." Then placed the tip back in the mans hand and closed the door.
I just shook my head and Zach came over to me. "I cannot believe that guy, I'm so sorry about that." I told Zach it was okay and that he should have kept the tip. But, he refused and said he'd never take money from some rude asshole. I tried to smile, feeling somewhat bothered by the customers reaction. I think at that point, I was so numb to stuff like that.

Well Karma would so have it that he came in to make reservations two nights later and my servers remembered him. Guess who was on the permaban list. :D
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Wow, what a rude asshole.


Seriously I would have trow a fucking glass of water at his face if a guy had try that in front of me. 


Also YAY for server and their superpowered ban-list! Man, sometime it's hard to keep track of who-can-come and when...


We have the ex-mayor always coming to our place all the damn time, but he hate the guts of the current mayor, so last time they were together they started trowing insult at each others... Now we simply don't accepte to have them the same night.

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We have the ex-mayor always coming to our place all the damn time, but he hate the guts of the current mayor, so last time they were together they started trowing insult at each others... Now we simply don't accepte to have them the same night.

XD I can only imagine. I would pay to watch this. Inside I feel like I want to throw water in their face, but when you work in a area that has money and everyone talks. You have to be careful. You also have to be careful for the "Jewish Mafia". For those that don't know what I mean by that term. There are a large amount of Jewish people in Toronto, a lot of them are very rich and very well connected. Same thing in New York and LA. They're also some of the most DIVA of clients I have EVER worked with. 


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I just love the Karma, ain't it great? :p

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@Magical, its pretty delicious. 

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Excellent Riker usage.
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@Sweeney, Hahah. Gotta love him.
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Should carry a floppy dildo around for those moments when people are surprised you're a female so you can say, "Here, does this make you feel more comfortable?" and then pull it out and gently hit them on the face with it.
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I totally own a very comfy strap-on. *Puts it on and does helicopter dick* :D ....I ought to peg them. >:c I'll show'em who's boss! 

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