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Member Since 05 Mar 2011
Offline Apr 28 2016 01:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What causes a restock ban?

07 April 2013 - 11:37 AM

Maybe this is just the statistician in me, but if it's random, that makes it easier to figure out when there are patterns going on . :)

In Topic: Taking restocking list requests!

22 February 2013 - 08:49 PM

I like to change my lists up a bit instead of by profit. Rarity is related to profit at least, so sometimes I sort by rarity depending on the shop so that I don't have the same list as everyone else. Let's say two stamp show up in the Post Office Kiosk, one profiting 1.5mil, the other 1 mil. I'm fine with either of those, but people who order their lists by profit are all going to be going for the 1.5mil stamp. I have a slightly more random list, so there's a better chance of me going for the item no one else is going when the profit margins are approximately similar.

In Topic: When do you usually sell your stocks?

08 January 2013 - 12:04 PM

Neodaq has a database on past stock prices. If you look at the past performance of the stocks by seeing how many times a single stock has gone from 15 to a particular sell price, you can calculate what target sell price will give you the most profit. I haven't updated my sheet in almost a year, but if you have stock on hand, these are the sell prices that would have netted you the most profit if you always sold what you had on hand at that price:

Stock Sell Point AAVL 55 ACFI 60 BB 45 BOTT 40 BUZZ 60 CHIA 45 CHPS 55 COFL 65 CYBU 60 DROO 65 EEEEE 55 FAER 55 FISH 55 HELT 50 HUW 60 KAUF 60 KBAT 65 KSON 50 LDSC 40 LUPE 75 MPC 55 MYNC 40 NAKR 30 NATN 45 PDSS 60 PEOP 55 POWR 65 SHRX 60 SKBD 60 SKEI 40 SMUG 65 SSS 50 STFP 60 SWNC 75 TAG 55 TNAH 65 TNPT 60 TPEG 30 TPP 40 TSRC 55 UNIB 50 VPTS 70 YIPP 60 Average 55

The average here is 55, which meshes with the general recommendation of 55-60. It's better to look at each individual stock though so some are better to sell at 70ish, while others are at 40.

Keep in mind that the number of times a stock reaches a certain price decreases at that chosen price increases. That's why you hit a midpoint where you optimize the highest price that occurs most often. This isn't considering that the number of stocks you can buy is a limiting factor, in which case the most profit comes from waiting until the stock reaches it's highest point in it's entire history. When you factor that in, you get target sell prices like this for each stock:
Stock Sell Point AAVL 100 ACFI 85 BB 90 BOTT 90 BUZZ 85 CHIA 130 CHPS 70 COFL 80 CYBU 90 DROO 140 EEEEE 130 FAER 85 FISH 140 HELT 140 HUW 110 KAUF 110 KBAT 130 KSON 140 LDSC 140 LUPE 140 MPC 90 MYNC 140 NAKR 140 NATN 100 PDSS 110 PEOP 140 POWR 140 SHRX 120 SKBD 140 SKEI 90 SMUG 140 SSS 140 STFP 100 SWNC 140 TAG 100 TNAH 140 TNPT 140 TPEG 90 TPP 100 TSRC 110 UNIB 140 VPTS 140 YIPP 140 Average 85

Personally I don't like waiting that long, plus it's risky, so I prefer to stick with the sell points in the first table.

Edit: Looks like the tables aren't working out here, but you should be able to find your stock of interest.

In Topic: Automatically Changing Shop

25 September 2012 - 06:56 AM

These would be good advanced member incentives

I'm curious how that would benefit only advanced members though. I would think you'd want everyone to have this option so the clearing can be spread out among everyone. If you only have a small group of people clearing, it's more likely that they're stuck buying all the junk items, while all the other users who aren't clearing can swoop in and buy up any restocks while they're clearing multiple items. Seems like there would be more to gain by everyone having the option since this isn't an feature to benefits exclusively the user with the ability to clear the shop.

In Topic: Add option to clear shop?

25 September 2012 - 06:49 AM

Awesome, guess I should have done more that a quick browse through on topics only to see if anyone else posted about it. :p A mod can lock this topic if they like.