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Member Since 05 Mar 2011
Offline Apr 28 2016 01:56 PM

Topics I've Started

What causes a restock ban?

07 April 2013 - 11:28 AM

Does Abrosia keep track of how often its users get restock banned? I've been thinking about how a restock ban actually occurs and there are two main ways I've mainly thought of:


1. Restock bans occur based on some number generator that is calculated after each refresh.

2. Restock bans occur in a similar fashion as #1, but bans become more likely with quicker refresh speeds (e.g., ban more likely at 60 refreshes/second that 6 rfs/sec.


I would think you should be able to compare how often people get RS banned and what refresh speeds they use to figure this out. If example 1 is true, you shouldn't see a difference in how often people get banned between refresh speeds. If example 2 is true, then you'll see a difference in ban rates, and that also means there should also be an optimum refresh speed that maximizes the number of restocks you see while decreasing the chances of being RS banned.


Has anyone ever tried digging into this? It shouldn't be too complicated to figure out if that data is available for all the users of Abrosia (understandable why that data wouldn't be saved too though).

Add option to clear shop?

25 September 2012 - 06:23 AM

So when a normal user is RSing, they will often buy up at least a couple of the cheap items that clutter up the shop. Would it be possible to add such an option to Abrosia? I would imagine it could be something as simple as giving an option for how low of profit you're willing to go in a range (for example -5000 to 1000 profit). You could specify this to buy an item in this range every X seconds, or potentially until the item is out of stock. Of course you'd want to have some kind of safeguard in place so there's a limit to how much a Abrosia clears the shop in one sitting too. Especially in the high value shops like stamp, defence, etc. that often get filled up at off peak hours, this could mean more restocks and more rare items. Any thoughts?

Viewing member statuses

29 July 2012 - 11:44 AM

There used to be a menu for recent status updates on the forums, however I accidentally clicked the button to close it and now I don't see an option anywhere obvious to bring back the menu? It's probably something simple I've just kept skimming over, but how would I go about getting the menu back?