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Football is an odd sport.

Posted by Arnau, 24 May 2015 · 567 views

I live somewhere where football is bred into children the second they are born. Football season is 3 months away but you'd think it was football season right now. So, I'm spending my time trying to entertain myself on the internet as I wait for my hot wings. Why not football? I don't particularly enjoy watching people more athletic than me do things I could never do on national television for insane amounts of money - but that's just me.
I decided to dig up some statistics about the average NFL game:
- The amount of time the ball is actually in play is about 11 minutes
- 56% of the game shows replays
- Commercials take up about an hour
- About 75 minutes is spent on shots of players huddling
- Injured players got six more seconds of camera time than celebrating players
- Announcers are on screen for about 30 seconds
- Shots of the head coaches and referees took up about 7% of the game
- Cheerleaders get an average of three seconds - if shown at all
- The ratio of inaction to action is approximately 10 to 1

So if you watch half an hour of actual play time, you would have to sit through five hours of replays, commercials, and just a general heap of nothing-ness.
Enjoy the game! :)

(Source: http://online.wsj.co...002852055561406)

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