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Super System Special Presentation: How To Make CashMoney During The Faerie Event


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#1 Scot

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:02 PM


Hello and welcome all to a special Super System Special Presentation: How To Make CashMoney During The Faerie Event. I gather most of you have already noticed the rise in the price of junk items. I hope you have started hoarding.

What is this all about?
At the conclusion of The Faeries Ruin Plot, TNT gave out daily quests as an apology for blocking blocking them for 4 months. I neglected to write a guide for this at last year's conclusion because I assumed it was a one time thing but since it is not, it is imperative that a guide be written just in case this is annually recurring. By the time of this release some aspects may no longer be relevant as the window of opportunity will undoubtedly pass so I write this in the hopes that it will be applicable in the coming years.

Why is this significant?
A large increase in the number of faerie quests will drive up the consumption of low to mid rarity junk items. This increase in demand is strong enough to raise the prices by up to 2000% in some cases. Because these items are low rarity, they restock often and in large quantities, allowing you to make profit with less competition. While everyone is off chasing FFQs, you can follow these steps to make serious np.

What items were affected?
All faerie quest items are affected in some way. If you want a complete list, check out this page.

For the purposes of this guide, we will only consider r66 and higher for maximum profit. R65 items are generally not worth it except the ones from Clothing and Grooming which produce a half-decent profit. Lesser rarity items are often cheaper and restock in much larger quantities so while the price may increase tenfold, you're looking at 9np profit on a 1np item or something to that effect.

Here are a bunch of charts from last year's items overlapping each other.

How can I tell which items are profitable?
While in Phase I
Using the chart provided, you select an item starting with higher rarity first, search for it in the Item Database. You are looking for non-volatile items indicated by a flat graph with a large spike somewhere around February of 2011. That tells you that the price increase was a result of some external stimuli such as the Faerie Quest Event. The peak of the spike divided by normaltime price levels will tell you by what factor the item will inflate. Most of these items will inflate around 5x-10x, one item hit 90x but that was a special case. So keep that in mind because an item that inflated to 50k might normally sell for 8k, giving you a 500% profit while an item that peaks at 20k might normally sell for 2k, giving you a 900% profit and is thus more desirable.

How many items should I buy of each?
100+ or however many you think you can sell. Your only constraints is how much you want to invest. I can personally testify to a minimum of a 1000% return on your initial investment.
The earlier you start the more you can get at a cheap price because you can let prices settle before buying again.

Your strategy for this comes in 3 phases, Scavenge, Stockpile, and Blitzkrieg.
There are two mindsets to this: the Speculator and the Waiter. Speculators start buying well in advance of game day, Waiters wait until the event has started. I will highlight the different strategy to take depending on what path you take. Yes you can do both.

Speculator Strategy:
Ideally you can start this at any time, given that you know for sure that the event is annually recurring. You want to buy out all target items within 1000 np of the lowest current price level, so if it's selling for 1000 np, you buy up everything up to 2000np. How high you buy depend on how many months/weeks/days you have left until Game Day.

If you are doing this the day of, you should buy everything up to 25% of the previous year's peak price.

At this point, the items have already started to inflate but have not reached their climax. This is when you are hoarding the items in your sdb while continuing to buy more from the main shops. If it is early in the event, then the Item Database has not caught up to the change in prices yet so using the Abrosia generated lists is useless. Using the item database, manually generate a list using the restock list feature and using a set of criteria I will outline next, compile a list of target items and stick them in somewhere near the 100k mark. Use this list until the database prices are correctly synced. You'll have an edge over the automatic list users.

Here is a chart created by Nymh and myself highlighting the profitability of all items. It's is only a rough estimate taking into account normal price and peak as recorded by the item DB, up to date as of 2/8/2012.


Green - Good money
Yellow - OK money
Red - Bad money
Yellow with red text - Good last year but value has since been destroyed by Anchor Management
For r65 only, go here

Earth - A few low rarity items which are irrelevant. The only item of value is Tears of the Water Faerie which inflated over 9000% last year because it was released a week prior to the first event. This year expect them to hover around 2000%.
Fire - Good, solid investments because there are only a few items in the upper tiers r66-r69 so expect these to be the best items to invest in.
Wind - 2nd best shop in terms of profit. Also good investments because the Grooming shop is normally yellow at best while the Clothing shop is red/dark red/black.
Water - The items here rival Grooming items in profitability except the shop isn't completely useless without them, so it's better than Grooming when it isn't crowded. Go here if it's light red or below.
Heart Dark- These items are hit or miss. There are just too many of them to bottleneck. Check the chart for leads then do your own research.
Light - All bad. What a shitty fucking faerie.

You can start selling any time you like. If you want to maximize returns, the best time is after the 18th and all the way to the end of the event, as this is when sufficient time has been given for the items peak out due to demand. But in general, any time after the first week will suffice. When you actually start selling depends on the volume of items you have to sell. You don't want to have extra because you will have to quicksell them. When you sell, sell them over the course of a week instead of dumping them all at once. Even if your shop can handle the volume, you risk other sellers pricing against you competitively and that puts a depressive effect over the entire price level. Sell no more than 5%-10% of your stock, per item a day.

Another profit maximizing strategy is to price your item at the lowest of your pricing group rather than lowest overall. I don't recommend this under normal circumstances because it takes longer to sell. Since demand is high, you don't necessarily need to be at the bottom since if there are only 1-2 lower price they will get bought up, leaving you at the bottom. Most people won't do more than a few searches before settling for the lowest anyway.
*Exception: If you are at the lowest of your pricing group and someone is selling 10+ at a lower price in a different pricing group, go ahead and beat that price.

Are there any positive externalities to this event?
Yes. Restocking in any of these shops will give you a better haul because in addition of normal restocks, ordinarily useless junk items are now considered profitable. Also, the removal of these items inadvertently clear shops to make way for better potential restocks.

I've missed the beginning, can I still make cashmoney?
Yes. The shops are active enough that it possible to make 500k-1m a day without ever touching anything higher than r70. For now you can stop telling noobs to go to pharmacy.

Credits: Nymh, Laserwave, Quest_items's petpage, myself


#2 Nymh

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:03 PM

Yaaay! ♥

#3 Yung

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:06 PM

+Rep for another very well compiled summary on your personal results. I am sure this will help everyone both now and in the future years to come. Thanks Scot.

#4 Scot

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:06 PM

Posted Image

#5 Waser Lave

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:07 PM

I'm sure you could line up those charts better, it looks how a regular chart would look if I was pretty drunk. :p

#6 Yung

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:11 PM

I'm colorblind so color coding everything isn't beneficial to me at all but I didn't see a legend explaining what the representation of each color is, perhaps you should add that into your first post?

#7 Harlow

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:19 PM

+ rep for the pretty chart Posted Image

#8 willy101

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 02:24 PM

wow good find. chart is definitely helpful. will the item db be updated or is there a way to preupdate?

#9 Hush

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 02:29 PM

very usefull, thank you :)

#10 Waser Lave

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 02:29 PM

will the item db be updated or is there a way to preupdate?


#11 James

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 03:09 PM

Sexy thread Scot. This is very clever, hopefully I'll get around to doing it next year. ;p

#12 blue

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 03:28 PM

Light - All bad. What a shitty fucking faerie.

This made me lol!

Not much of a fan of her or the Air faerie.

Nice good, hopefully this becomes an annual event!

#13 Scot

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 04:15 PM

I'm sure you could line up those charts better, it looks how a regular chart would look if I was pretty drunk. :p

The chart is perfectly aligned... check your sobriety level

I'm colorblind so color coding everything isn't beneficial to me at all but I didn't see a legend explaining what the representation of each color is, perhaps you should add that into your first post?

Yes I added a legend.

And I made small revisions throughout.

#14 Yung

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 04:17 PM

I noticed. Thanks. I'm sure it will help everyone else :)

#15 Scot

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 04:47 PM

wow good find. chart is definitely helpful. will the item db be updated or is there a way to preupdate?

The item DB is designed to withstand price shocks which is a positive feature in every case but this one. There's no need to preupdate when you already have advance knowledge of what is to come. The manual lists you will make this year will stay more or less consistent at the beginning of the next event.

#16 Applepi

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:22 PM

Wow! Thanks Scot! I'll definitely keep this in mind for next year, i'm currently in rebuilding mode and dont really have the nps to stock up like this! Guess I got a year to prepare :)

#17 Hydrange

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 12:23 AM

Awesome guide!

The potato yo-yo also increased price. Maybe is asked for fyora or the dark faerie.

#18 zandra

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 01:16 AM

Thanks Scot.

I have followed this guide when it came out. Here are some of my neotracker statistics showing that it works
I Abed in the grooming shop which have relatively low competition.(yellow or orange)

Posted Image

As you can probably see, due to the Air Faerie quest, Most of the items are highly profitable, at least a profit of 20k on the average. I also disabled purchasing unbuyables during this period as they would be HTS and wont be worth my effort.
Posted Image

As Scot mentioned earlier, this event make R65 and above items profitable. With this sheer number of quantities per restock (at least 4-5 per item) it is not needed to have fast buy times
Posted Image

of course, i think Scot would probably have better graphs and statistics.
I didnt post the sales profit because i disabled withdrawing from shop-till and tracker seems to require that to work

#19 Caisson

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 12:57 PM

Thanks this was super useful. :D

#20 TamerVirus

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 08:11 PM

DAMN, why didn't I see this earlier.... Anywho thanks for the info. Will use in the future!

#21 Turnip

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 04:12 AM

Uwaa, Scot you're so great at making guides!! This will give me plenty to do this year <3 Yay hoarding things!!!
+rep!! :3

#22 Assassinx

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:13 AM

Useful information! +REP

#23 DataTraveler

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:17 AM

I maybe drunk, why i no understand those table

#24 zandra

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 02:42 AM

I maybe drunk, why i no understand those table

the table simply says, with average of 3600 ms buytimes, i can make 2.8million selling air faerie quest items each day due to the event. just evidence of what scot says.

#25 Leaf

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 08:22 PM

I had a quick question Scot... I wanted to start investing in some items now and that's when i realized something...

Do the faeries ask for the lower rarity items more then the higher rarity ones? Because i was just going to buy up the highest rarity items... But if the lower rarity items are the ones most asked for then I will probably make more profit selling a shitload of R66 items then just selling a couple R69.

- edit -

Also... maybe this is too much to ask... But is there any way to know if new items that are released that fall into the correct rarity value and might be possible faerie requested items might be worth investing in? although new items are usually overpriced for the first couple of months until the price settles.

Edited by Leaf, 26 March 2012 - 08:51 PM.

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