Hello and welcome to this year's special presentation, Part 4 overall in the Scot's Super/System Series, Super Nerkmid Explanation System (SNES). This year we will take a look at one of the greatest mysteries in the known neoworld: the enigmatic Alien Aisha Machine. After reading some poorly written help sites I was left unsatisfied with this burning question. I venture into this subject now after many years of casual gambling to find out whether or not different qualities of Nerkmids produce different results. My hypothesis is that it does, despite no evidence towards that end and despite aforementioned sites suggesting that it does not. After extensive testing I can say now that the rarity does produce variable differences, however individual results may surprise you. To begin...
If we were to sort Le 'Mids by their rarity it would look something like this.
Average Nerkmid
Lesser Nerkmid
Good Nerkmid
Super Nerkmid
Ultra Nerkmid
Ultimate Nerkmid
Copper Nerkmid
Aluminium Nerkmid
Basic Golden Nerkmid
Normal Golden Nerkmid
Magical Golden Nerkmid
Ultra Golden Nerkmid
Golden Nerkmid X
Golden Nerkmid XX
Basic Platinum Nerkmid
Normal Platinum Nerkmid
Ultra Platinum Nerkmid
Platinum Nerkmid X
Platinum Nerkmid XX
Magical Platinum Nerkmid
Visually they can be broken up into 4 groups(Golden, Platinum, Junk, New), which is a simpler way of dealing with them and is the sequence I will address them.
Preliminary statistics
Total trials: 1047
Cost: ~67,000,000 NP (bought at 50-95k, pre- and post-deflation)
Prizes are divided into the following categories defined below.
Nerkmid Refund Rate: Getting a nerkmid refund when you play.
Paint Brush Event: Getting a paint brush, petpet paint brush, paint brush tcg, or anything with the word "paint brush" in it such as "charm" and "cookie" are all considered to be a PBE.
High NP: Large np reward higher than 10,000 NP.
Junk: NP rewards smaller than 10k, gross food, fading faeries. Rarely you get r98 foods worth between 5-10k.
Composite event: 10k+ NP reward and a Nerkmid or Paint Brush in the same drop. These are charted as two separate outcomes for our purposes.
Nerkmids were played by resubmitting form so lever status is more or less the same. If I get 10 pulls of junk in a row I'd go back and change configuration.
Let's look at the Golden Nerkmids first.
Now onto Platinum.
Prepare yourselves for really bad (Junk) Nerkmids
The New nerkmids are the real underdogs of this story.
Other: Nerkmid Kickback distribution
Total nerkmids refunded: 150 but only 144 was recorded as reflected in above chart. If you are out there, 6 missing nerkmids, Scot needs you back real bad.
Global Nerkmid refund rate: 14.32%
Notice that refund nerks also follow the rarity chart with Gold, Junk, and New r101 nerks being given out in greater frequency than the Platinum level nerkmids.
Other notes/considerations:
- 5k-10k NP rewards were briefly considered whether or not it should be classified under high NP reward but ultimately left out due to deflation of nerkmid prices increasing the frequency they are played, they are dwarfed by the higher overall score tables. It's worth nothing that they may be grouped with the high np event as they are just as uncommon.
- Lever configuration seems to matter. 21 trials of average nerkmid yielded 3 refund nerks, next 29 under different settings yielded 6 refund nerks. Same can be said for clusters of gag pb prizes and composite events next to each other. Coincidence? Possibly. To test that would require more trials by several orders of magnitude.
The quality of nerkmid you play does matter in determining what outcomes you get. While 1000+ trials is a decent sample overall, divide that by 20 and 50 trials is not statistically significant for me to say that one nerkmid is superior to all others all of the time. However it is enough of an idea for you to pick out 2-3 that specialize in your current goals whether it be to get a trophy high score or obtain a rare paintbrush. Perhaps you want to make a profit by gaming the most efficient nerkmid. For that I will leave the following observations.
Golden Nerks are pretty good on giving refunds and pbs, with an average level of junk. Platinum is good all around nerkmid for its relatively lower junk count, which leaves more room for an increase in all other outcomes. Junk 'Mids are terrible for trophy hunting. They are bad all around with the exception of Good and Ultimate which boasts the highest paint brush events overall. Copper Nerkmid is an anomaly because it falls into r101 but has the best overall results: near lowest junk count, near highest NP return, average nerkmid return, average pb event. It would be a spike in an overall smooth chart of ascending nerkmid quality. Normal Platinum Nerkmid and Copper Nerkmid are the ones you want to use to obtain a high score.
Most of the paint brushes are probably going to be given out during the next iteration of the Codex Advent Calendar. I'm not saying we're going to have one but..
Coming soon:
- Cum. NP value breakdown of all prizes.
- +/- EV stats for each nerkmid
2013 Nerkmid Codie Awards
Most Expensive Nerkmid: Platinum Nerkmid XX (74,681)
Least Expensive Nerkmid: Aluminum Nerkmid (47,622)
Top NP Prize: Normal Platinum Nerkmid (36k)
Most High NP Occurrences: Normal Platinum Nerkmid (10)
Top Composite Event Occurrence: Copper Nerkmid, Normal Platinum Nerkmid (3)
Most Paint Brush Events: Ultimate Nerkmid (7)
Most Nerkmid Refunds: Platinum Nerkmid XX (11/50), Ultra Golden Nerkmid (11/56)